RippleLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Ripple

Ripple has selected their winning logo design.

For $375 they received 150 designs from 15 different designers from around the world.
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Logo Designer
#19 represents an abstract letter R and also the design of the mid century building.
9 years ago
In #10, we like the fact that is feels like the homes we build. While you do have a sloped roof, the slope is appropriate for the mid century aesthetic. We would be interested in seeing a variation with a flat roof. See general comments on the main contest page.

In #19, we like that you are bringing the R from Ripple into the logo. We like the idea of making that R an abstract version of a mid century home. Maybe you can play with it a bit more to make the "home" aspect of R more obvious?

Thank you for putting your efforts into this!
9 years ago
Can you put #45 design in a circle and inside a box like #10?
9 years ago
And give it the red color?
9 years ago
I don't see the difference between #57 and #10...
9 years ago
Sorry... We don't see the difference between #57 and #45..
9 years ago
Logo Designer
#45 has a letter R in the design of the mid century modern building. #57 is just the mid century modern flat roof building.
9 years ago
Logo Designer
#57 is the flat roof design and #10 is the angled roof
9 years ago
Got it... Can you put the image of #45 or #63 in place of the image in #10 and keep the red?
This would give us a red box with a red circle in it. In the red circle would be the graphics of #45 or #63... Sorry I am not explaining well!
9 years ago
Logo Designer
What do you think of #65 and #66?
9 years ago
#66 cant you remove the white "T" lines from the right side of the circle and leave the rest?
9 years ago
Logo Designer
Is this what you wanted #92
9 years ago
The debate we are having here between #92 and #107 seems largely to be a discussion about color and "the 1950's" vintage feel of #107 vs the more sleek/elegant/composed look of #92... I don't think the same approach would work in both logos, but maybe there is a way to make #92 look like it was plucked out of a mid century catalog - a more of a laid back fee?
9 years ago
We seem to be falling 50/50 on the side of our top 2 ranked logos. We like the #131 and #130 graphic... Can you give us a mid century pastel color scheme in the same direction as luckymac?
9 years ago
Thanks you... Going to review these with the team tomorrow and make our decision
9 years ago
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