Like the fun fonts and colors of #10 but would like to see a basic brain, gear or some visual element incorporated. Like the layout simplicity and class of #6 but feel like the right side of the brain and "Toys" need to stand out more in color like with #8. Nice work!
Would also be curious to see #19 with gear instead of magnifying glass and maybe #18 inside of a brain shape like #19 if it isn't too much trouble. Thanks so much!
Ok, #33 and #35 are my favorites so far. Could you try the following...
#33 Flip the "i" in "Right" so it is right side up but leave the one in "Brain" the way it is.
#35 I like the idea of the logo in the brain but the brain is reading more like a thought bubble to me than a brain. Do you have any other brain designs that may still work with the text in it?
This is so hard but I think we are very close :) Can you please try # 33 the other way now, leave the ! In Right but make it an "i" in Brain. Also like #41 but not a fan of the yellow. Could you try other color combos? I like lime green,bright blue & pink. Would be open to changing text colors around if necessary, or adding white. Thank you!
Oh my gosh they are all so cute! I think I like #33 best after, go figure :) especially for a big sign, very clean. I still really like the new brains too, #46,47,48. Could you try a white outline or drop shadow around "R!ght Bra!n" to see if it helps it read a little better please? Also, how can I reach you after the contest for future work? Thanks! Nikki
Hey Nikki, I actually made a version with an outline, but eventually decided not to upload it :) Anyway, here it is, although I also feel the cleaner versions work better: #50 #51 #52
As for your other question, when the contest is complete, feel free to send me a private message and we can discuss further.
Thanks Vea! I'm thinking that I want to use the text only (#33) for our building sign, but would like to try cutting our signboard into the shape of the brain. Sort of like #52 but structurally. Would it be possible for me to get the brain outline as well so that I can use it as a template for cutting the wood?
Also, I will be starting another contest shortly and would very much like for you to participate. It will be for Picture it! a photo memory game. Thanks, Nikki
Hi again, About to call this one done (#33) but I am curious if there are any slightly blockier fonts that would also work with this design? If you have any ideas please give it a try.
As for the font, I think what we have in #33 is fun and creative. Strangely enough this combination is somewhat hard to achieve and it is the main reason for my selection. Personally, I wouldn't change it for a thing.
However, if you insist please do tell me and I will see what I can do.