Ridgecrest Industries LLCLogo Design Contest
Logo Design Contest
Contests / Ridgecrest Industries LLC
Prize Package
is due in 6 days, 22 hours
Contest Progress
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Logo Design Brief
Peak in Precision and Performance
What We Do
This company is an industrial contractor specializing in pipe fitting, welding and metal fabrication yet planning to be expanding to help combat and resolve customers issues across all construction and consulting needs in the industry.
Color Preferences
Black, grey, white, blues (turquoise) or Black, gray, white and safety green or safety orange
Our Ideas & Additional Information
I like simple but powerful and rememberable. Would probably like to have mountains in the logo to represent "Ridgecrest". I want this logo to able to represent the company but could also belong on casual clothing like (Adeventures, snow skiing/snowboard, Motocross, outdoors folk) hoodies, hats, t-shirts, while also on construction safety gear, Trucks, trailers and other equipment. I want people to remember the name/brand and wanting to learn more on the services we provide and also be able or want to represent the company/brand without being associated with the industry.
My first name starts with the letter R and last name starts with a C so the R and C of "Ridgecrest" are kind of important to me when choosing the name. Take that for what it is. The word "Industries" was chosen due to the ability to be versatile in my industry of work and not be labeled as a specialty contractor that only provides one service.
The image that is attached is something I created and like but would like to see something I haven't came up with and would like to see other creator's ideas.
I might use one logo design for emails, trucks, invoice (more official business) and use another logo on clothing and marketing.
My first name starts with the letter R and last name starts with a C so the R and C of "Ridgecrest" are kind of important to me when choosing the name. Take that for what it is. The word "Industries" was chosen due to the ability to be versatile in my industry of work and not be labeled as a specialty contractor that only provides one service.
The image that is attached is something I created and like but would like to see something I haven't came up with and would like to see other creator's ideas.
I might use one logo design for emails, trucks, invoice (more official business) and use another logo on clothing and marketing.