#13 I like this logo, however, I wish to have a small graphics in the logo and if you can change a bolder font type on the tagline so the viewer can see it right away.
hi! the id illustration is cool. though i would appreciate if you can submit more options. just some info: REYNA is a spanish term for a queen. maybe we can incorporate it in the pictorial mark.
i wish to have a pictorial mark that even if we don't use the logo in other marketing materials it can still be identifiable to reynas because of the pictorial mark. an example is the apple logo. as long as you see the apple fruit its already meant by the apple computers. i hope you know what i mean. :)
hi prask! i wish some pictorial mark to be more bolder. i like the folder idea but i wish to have a solid color on it with a good R symbol inside perhaps. just like #32 but more solid or strong.
prask, instead of the small R on the folder, can you try putting on the R in #18 and maximize the size inside the folder that would touch the edges of the folder?