Thank you for the excellent work in this design. We are very excited about it! Really professional design work here!
We think we like the ice pop without the bite. And while we like the look of the word "Revolution" in entry 30, we think it would be easier to read if it was all in one color, possibly the light tan.
We like the feel of the distress overlay used in #30, but we would like the words not to be distressed as it makes them a little harder to read. Is it possible to just distress the background or possibly to reduce the amount of distress marks on the words themselves?
We like the design of #30 very much but like the readability of 41 a lot. We thought about asking you to change the words of 30 to red or green but we wonder about how readable it would be at a distance. Any ideas? Possibly change the colors of #30 to the color scheme of 41? We don't know, but we like this entry very much!
Entries #42 and #43 were uploaded before I noticed your feedback, so feel free to comment if you wish. I'll get to work on revisions per your instructions, and leave a little feedback as well. Thanks So Much – Jeff (Logoplanet)
Thanks so much for the great feedback. I've uploaded a revised entry of the current first-place concept, and here is what I've done:
1.) First of all, I rebalanced the "Fist-Pop-Star" icon with the text below, making the icon slightly larger. To help spread out the color, I added the small red star below the fist, and added red and green the words "ICEPOPS" (like entry #42).
2.) "We thought about asking you to change the words of #30 to red or green but we wonder about how readable it would be at a distance. Any ideas? Possibly change the colors of #30 to the color scheme of 41?" While I think the rainbow-like color treatment of the "REVOLUTION" in entry #30 is very nice, I too had concerns about the readability issue, as well as he smaller size of the "ICE*POPS". Because of this, "REVOLUTION" is now simply the cream color, while "ICE" and "POPS" are larger red and green respectively. This should help with the readability as far as color is concerned.
2.) "We like the feel of the distress overlay used in #30, but we would like the words not to be distressed as it makes them a little harder to read. Is it possible to just distress the background or possibly to reduce the amount of distress marks on the words themselves?" Yes, I've reduced the distressed effect considerably. If it is still too much to your liking, please let me know, and I'll be glad to make further adjustments.
3.) I took the liberty to change the tagline to read "TASTE THE REVOLUTION!". This was done purely on the basis that the revised slogan is shorter than the original, and thereby can be enlarged to be more readable.
4.) And Finally, as in my other entries, I've included a close-up shot of the icon (see #44). This was done on purpose to show that the "Star-Fist-Pop" icon can be used separately from the text as a company identifier. Careful attention was taken to ensure the complete logo (text and icon) fit together well as a whole, utilizing clean, bold strokes and line weights. The star icon was designed to work well on white or dark brown garments.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me anytime.
Thanks so much for making those changes. It's really coming together well! We really like what you've done with the colors of the fonts and we think you have solved the readability issue! Entry 45 is really awesome!
The distress is much better and we only see a couple of things that we would like to see tweaked a little - we'd like to see it removed a little more - specifically from the ice pop itself as we think the contrast of textures will make your eye notice the pop a little more and then also to the words "Trade Mark" and "Taste the Revolution!" as those words are smaller and the distress makes them a little harder to read because of the scale of the words. Perhaps a little distress on those words wouldn't be bad, but we want to make sure they are readable. We love the feel of the distress, we just want it to be a touch less.
Great job on the slogan! We were impressed and really like it! It fits so well with the brand!
The stand alone mark of just the Star as a company identifier was extremely well executed! We really like it and are already seeing ways it can be used in our company to promote the brand. Great, great job with that. We'd want to be careful that it had the same distress pattern as in the main logo (minimal distress on the ice pop itself.)
All told, it's out of the ball park. We are really excited about the logo and the treatment! Thanks for all your work on this and your well thought out design concept!
Thank you so much for the really great brand logo. It's really exciting and awesome.
Hey, I'm just excited knowing that you're excite, that's wonderful! I would like to clarify a little before I attempt any revisions or tweaks, however. If I'm wrong on any of these points, just let me know:
1.) Eliminate the distressed effect from the ice pop graphic (not the words).
2.) Minimize OR eliminate the distress effect from the words "TRADE MARK" and the "TASTE THE REVOLUTION" slogan.
3.) I get a free "REVOLUTION ICE POPS" t-shirt and free ice cream bars for life ... er, wait, no. : )
Please let me know if this is in align with the vision you have.
As you can see, I've went ahead and uploaded the tweaks and revisions you requested earlier.
Entry #50 - Full 4-color, distressed logo with distressed effects eliminated from the ice pop graphic, and distressed effects minimized from the "TRADE MARK" text and the "TASTE THE REVOLUTION" slogan.
Entry #49 - Full 4-color, distressed icon star with distressed effects eliminated from the ice pop graphic.
Entries # 48 & #47 are the same logo and icon with the distressed effects removed completely. I just thought I'd show you this as another option.
Wow. We are so excited about how this came out! We are going back and forth over if we want the cleaner logo or the grungy one. We are getting together to talk it over, but wanted to thank you for the awesome work!!
I'm just dropping you a quick note to let you know that I'll be out of the office all day tomorrow (Monday, June 25th). So if you try and communicate, and get no immediate response, that is why.
Thanks for letting me know about tomorrow! We are ready to end the contest and award it to you for this logo and company identifier treatment. We talked about it and liked the distressed logo better (#59) and the company identifier you did (#49).
We are wondering what the logo will look like if we have to print it in black and white (or a single color). Maybe the red and green would go tan?
There was also the question that came up about seeing if there was any alternative horizontal treatments of the logo? (if it needed to be displayed horizontally instead of vertically).
We want to thank you again for all of the work you've done. We are so excited as we start our company out and that you've basically created the entire look and feel of our Brand with your artwork and it's dead on what we were hoping for.
Thanks again so much and we are so excited about your work!
Transition to a single color should be no problem at all. Most (if not all) of the logo concepts I devise work best with a 1-2 color treatment. Yes, REVOLUTION ICE POPS has 4 colors, but this will not be a problem. Likewise, a horizontal configuration should be fairly simple to execute as well.
And, "You're Welcome". When I first noticed your contest, I knew I wanted to join. You're input and feedback has been fantastic, and it is what has guided you to the logo you envisioned. Thank YOU.
That sounds awesome! We went ahead and ended the contest early and awarded you the contest. We are very excited about the brand you came up with for us!
We are looking forward to seeing the logos and start using them! Let us know anything we need to do moving forward and thanks again!
Wow, fantastic, thanks guys, this has been a great win! If I get the time this evening, I'll try and prepare and upload the Winning entry. If not, I will prepare your files first thing Tuesday morning (June 26th). We can also work together on getting your 1-color and horizontal configurations approved later this week. How dow that sound to you?
If you require any further contact, you may reach me at my business email:
That all sounds really great! We are so excite and it's a win for us too! We're looking forward to the logos and if you can't get them until tuesday that will be okay, if you can get them to us tonight, even better. Next week will be great to work on the other two treatments. We can totally get started with the main logo to start with!
You can contact me at any time as well.
Thanks so much! We're so stoked about the brand and all you did for us!!!