Retro Star MediaLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Retro Star Media

Retro Star Media has selected their winning logo design.

For $250 they received 95 designs from 33 different designers from around the world.

Logo Design Brief

United States
California's Premier Retro Photography Studio
What We Do
We're an innovative and fresh photography studio that specializes in bringing the glamor, beauty and classy sex appeal of the 20's, 30's, 40's & 50's to the women of today.
Color Preferences
Retro style colors, typically more subdued and classic in appearance, moreso than bold. Reds, Gold and Black are an ideal color scheme. We're open to all color schemes currently.
Our Ideas & Additional Information
What we'd want is to emphasize the Retro + Star words... This is because we would possibly change the third word...MEDIA to Studio, or Entertainment in the future.. So the logo would be built around Retro Star... is our website.. The content is rather old and outdated and will be completely revamped with all new photography.


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#5 - We really like this layout, but a bit on masculine side with the red star--it's a bit masculine. Perhaps some gold, or a GOLD STAR would be better suited for our business practices but "we really like it!"
16 years ago
Logo #6 - Too plain.
16 years ago
Example #4

We really like this logo. The third color RED could easily be implemented into the 3rd word (changeable word) "MEDIA" or "Studio" or "Girl". Thereby, creating a three color logo.
16 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks for the feedback! Feedback on rejected designs is very helpful too so thanks for that.
16 years ago
Entry #7: We're impressed with the design, very surprised. We don't like the Aqua color, our colors we've decided are a Seductive Red, Black and Gold. With regard to the woman in the O, we really like it.. If we could put her in a RED Dress with a gold background then we'd really getting somewhere. We would also like to remove the black bar & wording ideally. Really great work.. With those changes implemented, it'd be a first choice thus far.
16 years ago
Entry: #8 Wow, we're all very pleased with design...
16 years ago
Entry #15: We like this layout; however, the "S" in star is a little hard to read. We would like to see what a different "S" would look like without changing the overall look. The background is also a bit too grey for our taste, Can we see it in a plain white? Great work! Thanks!
16 years ago
Entry #25: a bit too common for what we are looking for. But thank you for submitting.
16 years ago
Entry #24: We like the design; however, can we see it with a different star? Thanks great work!
16 years ago
Entry #28: We like the design but the RSM in the middle will not allow the design to be interchangeable. Maybe a star in the middle. We are also open to seeing anything else that you have in mind.
16 years ago
Logo Designer
Regarding #16 and #17:

Marilyn Monroe, LLC is the entity that controls numerous rights associated with the legendary Marilyn Monroe. The brand “Marilyn Monroe” is trademarked and protected around the world, and we will not allow you to undermine those valuable rights. We want to be very clear; we will not allow Marilyn’s reputation and integrity to be trampled on by those seeking a quick profit at her expense. We will do everything at our disposal to protect the rights she so clearly sought to control in her life. In so doing, we are protecting Marilyn the person, which is our duty to her and to all her true fans.

Remove it now.
16 years ago
Entry#16 & #17: If this is Marilyn Monroe's picture, please redesign this with a different sketch of a woman.

Angles: please provide a specific picture that correlates this drawing to Marilyn Monroe. I just logged on to her website Marilyn Monroe, LLC and did not see a picture that looked like the designs above. Thank you!
16 years ago
Logo Designer
Not only is giovanni stealing Monroe rights and trying to profit from it, he/she is ripping off another artist. What a shame that a designer would put a contest holder at risk like this.
16 years ago
Logo Designer
I will be glad to take it off the contest if there are any issues or concerns with the artwork. Thanks!
16 years ago
Entry #43 and Entry #44: Can we see the artwork in Red or Black and keep the gold as is? Nice design.
16 years ago
Entry #50: We like the design; however, we will be using this logo on a white background and sometimes on black background. Can we see this with a white background? Thanks!
16 years ago
Entry #39: The logo design is nice; however, the drip on the side of the star is a bit distracting. Can we see the logo without the drip and without the star above the Retro Star? Thanks!
16 years ago
Logo Designer
62 & 64.... Sorry for the delay, didnt see your comment till late Monday. Comment or concerns just let me know, Thanks.
16 years ago
Tagg3r: how easy will it be for us, should we choose your logo, to change background colors our selves.. Or the "Media" word to "studio" or "girls" should we want to do that? Are all fonts included?
16 years ago
Logo Designer
#69 #70 #71 #72 sorry these took so long.
Let me know if you would like to see any more combinations.
16 years ago
Logo Designer
Nice work BlueStar
16 years ago
#79 , can we change the color scheme to fit our colors: Red, Black and Gold (Black and Gold are the primary)
16 years ago
#85 . Thanks Biren for your submission. We'll be reviewing all submissions that are ranked tomorrow morning and will be making decisions when the rest of the staff is together.
16 years ago
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