Resolute Media GroupLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Resolute Media Group

Resolute Media Group has selected their winning logo design.

For $260 they received 153 designs from 19 different designers from around the world.


















Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Thank you for your work so far.
Couple of thoughts.
1. Idea of new media vs old media. Let's lose the microphone, it is old media. Iphone and Ipad are the new media.

2. Change the colors for the red and the blue to be:
Red - CMYK = 0 94 89 43
Blue - CMYK = 100 91 0 82
Possibly use gray or silver as an accent, along with white, and perhaps even two tone letter of red with blue borders.
CMYK for two grays based on our scheme:
Dk gray: CMYK = 4 1 0 73
Lt gray: CMYK = 0 0 0 33

Thanks again!!
14 years ago
Thanks for your logo. We have seen some different styles and our opinions have changed since the beginning of the contest.

The I-phone looking device with the dominant R is appealing, and yours is a good one and exactly what we originally asked for.

As you know, we have decided to drop the microphone, and that is our fault for asking for it in the first place.
Want to run this by you:
Today we have come up with an idea and want to see if you can hit it.

Our idea is to have an abstract shape, which could be a computer screen, could be an I-pad, could be a phone or other digital device to receive news on, and its outline is navy blue, and through the open screen of it is a sphere, or a star, or some other object as if it is communication or news, and our name is written out below it with the word RESOLUTE being all caps in big and bold letters and in RED, and media group being in lower case letters written in blue.

Perhaps the symbol of communication or news goes through the screen looking object, or over the object, or through one side in the back and through the middle and then out the front?

Make sense?

Also we like #'s 23, 24 and 25 but the I-phone as it turns out is not the right way to go, and maybe you can do a variation of that one in addition to the vision above?

Thank you for your efforts and hope to see more from you as you are very talented.
14 years ago
Thanks for your entries! We really like #39 but feel that the map is to intricate to show up on clothing and marketing materials. In addition, the screen is almost certainly an i-phone type screen, and perhaps if the screen were a little more abstract it would help.

Maybe an outline of the world map, or see below and try to incorporate to your design. Thanks

We like the concept of the big, bold and firm R coming out of the screen looking object.

Couple points:
1) We do not want the R to be in white, but rather Red, and perhaps show one in all Red and one in Red with blue outline (two tone)
2) Since the letter will be red or red with blue outline, perhaps make the screen looking object it is coming out of blue, or a blue and white transition.

3) We like the idea of the R coming out of a screen type object that is abstract, but could be an I-Phone, or I-pad or even a PC screen where people are viewing our newspapers online.
Play around with the screen to make it larger or a little different shape, and here is an idea also:

A screen sitting at an angle, and a fairly large screen, where either our name or a sphere looking object is going through it from left to right, as if information, news and communication is coming through the screen to the reader. Make sense?

Thank you!
14 years ago
Also not out of the realm of possibility to have a big, bold R (like the one on the # 1 ranked logo which is #45) coming out of a screen sort of like the ones you did with the I Phone logos but without there being such an obvious I phone. Hope that makes sense and please let me know if you have any questions
14 years ago
#38 and #39 could be the winners potentially, but need some work. Please refer to comments left previously and let me know if you have any questions.

14 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi resolute :-)

I did some changings... as you asked (more simple)
and I'm working on it at the moment, even if it I don't like it.

I upload two solutions

ciao from italy
14 years ago
Logo Designer
I didn't understand your previous idea...
You mean two screens? 1 big and 1 smaller?

(This comment references Entry #75)
14 years ago
No there is only one screen if we go that route. I was talking about the screen being more of an outline and abstract as opposed to an obvious screen from an I-phone or I-pad.

What don't you like about it? Love to hear your thoughts about it since you are so talented at this.
I apologize for the mixed signals. We came in thinking we wanted one thing, and it keeps changing.

Ideally, someone could provide the right MARK without the screen and with the emphasis on our name (RESOLUTE) and we would love it.

Also, your red is looking maroon to me, so a brighter red as in #32 will work great.

14 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi resolute.

Well.... I don't like too simple symbols... R and a square (screen)
this is the why I tried to do something less abstract...

some more ideas....anyway
about the colors, I know it.
If I work in CMYC (as you suggested for you colors) there are problems in converting color for web in RGB.
No problem in doing some changing you need
(like black and white version... ) when you are judging but only the 1st ranked can upload it.

Ciao from Italy
14 years ago
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