I love the design of #8 - it really shows community members coming together. It would be good to flesh out the idea of place more (maybe by showing some houses, or other notions of place). The shapes in #9 seem a bit harsh and would be nice if they were softened a bit.
Hello. We really like #13, but could you try it with a slightly different color palette (maybe with some of the colors that you used for #8? #8 was also popular but some people thought the circles were too abstract and didn't automatically communicate people.
Could you explore different fonts, and different colored fonts? I think we like the earthy tones in the first logo the best (for now). It would be nice to see those colors reflected in the words, like #14. Similarly, you would want to emphasize either the fist letter of each word, or "communities" and "families". Thanks.
Hello - What font did you use for the design? We generally like the color scheme as well, although the ones that are brown are not as popular. Could you make a couple of changes and play with 2 colors (maybe different shades of blue and green, or red/orange/yellow, or two complimentary colors). We will be using this logo as the basis of our new website and want to be mindful of the color choices. Thank you.
Hi, thanks for your feedback.. I get a better idea of the colour direction now, will make the changes accordingly. As for font, am using Calibri on #13 and on this submission.. do you prefer this font than the others?