Hi! I am trying to get very deco and yet stay Texas Hill Country. I'd love some feedback to see if I am on track. I was inspired by the beautiful yucca in my back yard!
thanks for the entry's, I'll post up a reply to each submission. I like this one best, clean and simple, but the color are a little off. Yellow is a bad color for us because that is generally associated with sick plants. This one has potential, but is need to be able to stand alone with out the name, needs a little more heft some how.
I will try to make it a little stronger. I had envisioned this as plants going from a yellow green to a glossy green under your care, but I won't make it quite so far on the yellow side.
#34 is great, just not quite the subject mater. I love how it stands alone, clean crisp image, and easily identifiable. Maybe this same thing but a different plant?
#33 the colors are off, just doesn't seem to jell. Another company has a name of bluebonnet, so I would steer clear of it. good take on the icon idea though
#11 is more for interior decorators, the colors are too pale and the script too fancy. I like the pineapple, the palm in the back need to be bigger and it can loose the secondary back ground.
#14 just doesn't catch the eye, if doing something stand alone, go for a plant like the yucca you did in 34.
#13 proportionately off and the color clash. when defining a border, maybe you absence of color or a black line?
not really, I'll have to think about it. I would say some thing from shrub size up to tree. One of my competitor in Houston use yucca so I want to avoid that.
use the font size for landscapes in #11 for all the text, that would clean it up. I like the creative thinking of the thumb print, but I don't think it convey what I am looking for.
I like the standalone of the pine cone, but it too complex. Also there are no pine trees here so that won't work. I really like the cleanness and simplicity of 11, just need a different image.