Can you do a version of #126 where it has no stick or grass and no stars on the bottom and just has a line straight across? thanks. Also make 2 windows instead of just one.
Also do a version of #124 with no Cup and a flat bottom.
also try a version with something other than stars or a cup on the bottom. maybe have the bottom of the house extend down and have some lawn chairs or a grill BBQ grill... or anything else you think up that would make sense for people renting homes for football games. but no image of a football.
#142 - #143 Added group around BBQ pit - men, women and child jumping and sitting in lawn chair (making touchdown signals and celebrating with hands up in the air). Thanks! Kib
Can you modify #138 to have just 1 window at the top (centered). - that does look better than 2. AND. instead of the bottom dipping to form the bottom of shield, can you please just have the bottom go straight across? that will likely the best version.
Also please do a modification to #138 keeping the shield at the bottom and putting 2 football helmets facing each other slightly tilted.... maybe they are crashing into each other... up to your creative abilities.
#187 - is as close as I can get. Another designer made me withdraw all of my shield entries - he did a shield in one of his designs first and message me to remove all similar entries. So I had to take off the shield part so I wouldn't get removed from the contest. Now he's trying to copy all my design ideas. Sorry I had to remove them for the contest.
When you do a version of #151 with the yellow background, feel free to use more of a golden yellow - something more similar to what we have in the old logo in addition to the new yellow. so maybe 2 versions would be best.