We will be selecting your logo as our logo (entry # 71/72). We are really excited about it and think it will fit well into our corporate image. I have one request (since I wasn't sure if I could request this after I select a winner...
Can you show me what the word "Enterprises' would look like if it was in title case rather than all caps? We just want to make sure we get the total look right, but we definitely want your logo and the font used for ReNew.
Let me know if this is possible. Thanks so much!
Also, is the only difference between 71 and 72 the font size or is there something else I'm not seeing? I might switch to 71, but it is definitely one of those two entries.
I have uploaded some revisions. If you still have some request you can send me message. About my entry #71 and #72, they are just different at colour and stroke. #71 by stroke and #72 same font but with bold type. If you interested with #71 and #72, I can send to you all of them via your email after you select the winning design regards Agung PN