Love the designs alot. I have changed the colour scheme of what we want in the competition brief and I would encourage you to read that first and resubmit your log work. I like how you incorporated North Texas into the logo!!! Very nice. Perhaps we can look at North Texas being disconnected from under Renegades so that instead we have Renagades FC and North Texas is separate. Great work and I like it!!
I can make revision of entry #64, to made change the ball from all white to dark patches and white. And add the logs Est 2014. And entry #70, #72 and #74, I remove lines make not much line, but in Judge Mode only first rank can submit a revision.
Hey Erwin - thanks for the message my friend. You are now ranked 1st to be able to make the revisions needed. please let me know when you are completed. Let me tell you why i have changed tactics.
one of my dearest friends is the president and ceo of a software marketing company who specialise in web designs. his comments to me where that he liked your logos BUT they were too busy. if we were to simplify certain elements of the logo, it will look better, sharper, and less busy AND will be more effective when it comes to embroidery, screen printing of the logo on hats, jackets, sweaters and t-shirts!!!! Does that make sense to you?
entry 70 is super sharp and i really really like. think outside of the box and come up with something simpler BUT DYNAMIC - white lettering? slightly larger font size? different font style?
Give me 70 and instead of the blue background and lettering over in white - do white background and blue lettering instead. same as you have now just switch out the color layouts.
70 the round tips of the shield have them all centralized in the middle of the circle please.
Remove the stars.
There are dark blue triangles within the shield and outside those blue triangles are lines - please remove those lines - they do not have any meaning and just take up needless space.
also north texas appears a different font style and size to EST 2014 and both NORTH TEXAS and EST 2014 appear different font styles to renegades and football club - i like the font that is on renegades fc
Erwin - hello my friend and thank you for your revisions. I had the meeting with the head of Adidas design here in Dallas today. I hope you're not going to be upset or angry with me but we need to make some revisions to 104.
Basically Karen advised me against the "sheriff" or "marshall" type old cowboy movie star badge. And the second observation that was made to me, was that it looked like the steering column of a ship!!! lol For screen printing and embroidery it will cause the Club a headache and be expensive.
Let's do this please change 104 to look like 105 in size ONLY and lose the star on 104 - and second, close up the circle on 105 completely, I want the inner circle where the wording is to match 104.
Hello Erwin - I like the work very much. Can you do me a small favor please? Check out the following and let me know how the logo would fit in with what you have produced for me. the website is
and my email is
the branding of the logo is extremely important for me which is why i am asking for your input. I am looking at the font style, font size, and how it will mesh with the website.
I will make the decision today for the winner. Regards - rikardo
Are you using vector graphics software? and can i see both 117 and 118 in black and white as well please, at some point in the future we will need to use a black and white logo for merchandising and advertising and it would be helpful to get an idea before i make my decision.
Many thanks for all your hard work and I appreciate your efforts very much.