Remlinger ConstructionLogo Design Contest
Logo Design Contest
Contests / Remlinger Construction
Remlinger Construction has selected their winning logo design.
For $275 they received 190 designs
from 61 different designers from around the world.
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Logo Design Brief
What We Do
Remlinger construction is a 4th generation construction company. I have attached a concept logo that just has the basic components that are desired for the logo. A gear, the name, "4th" or "4th generation" and the numbers 22, 53, 77, 05 which represent the years each generation of the company was born. These numbers can be incorporated into the gear somehow or placed strategically within the logo. I want "Remlinger Construction" letters to be green.
Color Preferences
I want the lettering to be green. The gear should be a grey/black/natural looking gear color.
Our Ideas & Additional Information
I uploaded a basic idea to show all of the things I want to be incorporated into a logo. The primary focus is to use a gear for the icon and keep "Remlinger Construction" green.