The concept is great. The favorite so far. Is there any way to make the columns on the left look more like 3D buildings, in a simple way? Instead of columns, more like cubes?
I like the new entry #8 resubmission. You are definitely on the right track. Good work. The only changes I would like to see is the green line below the logo needs to be somewhere between the thickness and size of entry #2 and #8 and in one solid color. I like the color of the line in the first submission (entry #2). I also think the size of the buildings could be a little bit smaller as well. Thanks
I think we have this almost complete. This will probably be my last necessary request. Can you make the buildings icon on the left larger to where the right edge square closest to the "RPS" is the same height. Keep the same proportions as you have been using for all the buildings...just larger so that the icon right edge is the same height as the "RPS" lettering. I would also like to see the green curved line at the bottom with less curve. Can you reduce the curve of the line so it doesn't dip so low and will be closer to the overall logo at the bottom? The width, thickness and color of the accent is good...i just need less curve. THanks