Thanks for your great feedback, i will make your last suggestions, please whatever you need about the designs please let me know, i really want to do an excellent job for you, thanks and good luck !!!
#81 leaning toward this one, however not sure on whether we should have all capitals on Regent Finance and also I noticed that you are sticking to an olive green. I am entertaining the thought that the colors should be stronger? What do you think?
do you want greens more stronger or alive ??, i like the actual colors a lor, but i think that a good logo can look very good with any colors, if you like stronger colors i can give you that, im sure that the logo will look great too.
a question, do you want capital or not capital font for option #81, im waiting for your answer ok, i want to help you in whatever you need, thanks and good luck !!!
Font is now in capitals and colors are more stronger, please whatever you need let me know i really want to help you, im waiting for your comments, thanks and good luck !!!
all this last entries have a new color combination, i like it, but please if you like other colors let me know, my work is to your disposition, thanks, good luck !!!
#81 Put logo beside Regent Finance Use same font as #59 est 1985 on top of finance line under Regent finance lengthen "The professionals in finance solutions"
Please look this positioning for "est1985" i think look very good and professional, im waorking in more options, im waiting for your answer, thanks and good luck.