Entry #5- Could you make the water a blue color and keep the earth that green color? I like "Reesehowell Appliance Resale lettering to be one color like you used in Entry #4.
Entry #3- I was wondering if you make the earth a different color.
I wanted to give you the heads up that I’m going to choose your logo design (Entry # 8). I was wondering if you could possibly attach entry #25, #15, and #4 so I can have them for the future. I appreciate your hard work on my logo.
The LogoTournament system will only allow me to upload the winning entry, but if you give me your email, I can attach the rest and send them to you.
A few questions...First, what is your email address? Second, do you have a preference on file type (i.e. Adobe Illustrator, CorelDraw, JPG, PNG)? Or would you like me to make the best choice? The winning entry will be supplied as a vector EPS and also a high-quality JPG.