Both of these look fantastic. Just a question though - is there a spelling error in the word "Redemption"? The "N" at the end of the word looks the exact same as the "H" in Ranch.
oops, you`re right. My mistake. Here are corrected designs. Hope that now everything is OK. Thanks for the comment. Let me know what changes would you prefer. Regards, Bob.
Entry #11 and 12 are super!! We love the white patch on the horses' noses and the child/youth in between the horses, "hugging" their nose/muzzle. Aren't the hands upside down though - I think the thumbs should be pointing up, not down :) And were you going to put more definition or something on the face of the child/youth? It just seems kind of incomplete with an empty white face. What about having the youth looking downwards a little so that a few of the bangs of their hair hangs down a little over their eyes? I'm just thinking out loud I guess - anything you come up with will be great ... so design away. We love this logo!!
Hello and thanks for the comment. Here`s the version with different girl. Hope you like this one better. Let me know what you think. Thanks, regards, Bob.
Hi Bob, entry #13 looks incredible with the girl, and the white hands on the black horses looks great. Terrific job - we absolutely love the logo. Any ideas for a letterform mark to go along with the logo (something using two R's - something that the old cowboys would use as a branding iron to mark their livestock)? As an example, maybe check out the letterform mark for Crystal Peaks at (the CP in their logo - in between "Youth" and "Ranch").
And don't worry about incorporating the letterform mark (the RR) into the logo (it may make it too busy or distracting). It can be a totally separate entry, just as a stand alone branding iron thing. Just looking to get you idea or thoughts on this, since you created such a great logo.
Entry #17, 18, 21 - we love the "RR" in the circle, but the overall logo looks a little too military-like (rather than cowboy-ish) - it's a little too complex. Can you just keep the "RR" and do a simpler shape around it that has a more western, cowboy feel (maybe a cowboy hat - any ideas)? And you don't have to worry about incorporating the "cross" into this logo.
Entry #29 & 30 - we really like these two logos (and so does a number of the people that have picked them in their Top 5 logos in the Friends Feedback area). Entry #30 looks great with the shield inserted between the words of the slogan.
Entry #31 & 32 also look neat, but are missing the child/horse relationship. Although the big "RR" brand does look very stunning as a backdrop behind the horses in Entry #32. Several people have mentioned that they like the back-to-back "R"s.
We've extended the contest a few more days (till Monday) to give people time to provide feedback on their top choice and if there are any other additional entries, ideas or changes that the designers want to submit.