#43 I really like the font and type style. My concern is how the logo will look on a black back ground. Logo will be on black for business card and white for letter head. Show a full solid door. you have great design ideas. I look forward to the update.
I like doors on #56 and #79 if you remove the glass that surrounds the door. Remove the of San Antonio and slightly enlarge Realty. The logo will be used for letterhead, business cards (small size) and on Real Estate signs Much larger. Do you feel this font will enlarge well?
#86 #87 Here are the changes you asked for, removed the glass on each side of the door and enlarged the font and removed the tag line..And yes this design is done in a vector program so it will change to any size big or small with out losing and quality ...Thanks so much .. Peg
I apologize for not communicating better. I would like to see it with just the door. no glass on top and not columns or side lights. Just a nicely designed door. Please put back the Realty and as requested enlarge it slightly.