Prefer #49, but I don't think the composition of the 3 crows is working. Also, the black crows look like you just tilted the head of the red crow - because they've lost their "crow" look a bit. I think you may want to consider different poses entirely for the black crows.
It's still a bit disconnected from the text, and quite heavily weighted to one side (tonally).
What I like about #115 is that that the red really pops out. I don't know if the "R" works well like that because the whole logo feels a bit off balance with it. Since #49 is still a cool idea as far as I'm concerned, perhaps you could try to make the crows a bit simpler and happier (wide eyed and open mouths)? Or perhaps have the black crows looking at the red one in awe.
I feel like we might be spinning our wheels here, so feel free to try something you want to do that will improve the design.
#338 is cool, but the eyes of the black crows are making it look like an unfinished drawing. I love the intention, but you'll need to refine and simplify the execution. I don't know if the white branch is necessary either.
#485 and #503 are cool ideas - I find that #485 looks a bit like a sideways feather, might be worth adding a stem to it, just to see if trying a feather approach would be worth it.
Hello, My team likes 2 of you ideas: #338 and #485
For #338, we'd like to see a simplification of black crows surrounding the red one. Also, drop the white branch, it's not working. Additionally, you could offset the red crow and crop it if you thought it would help. We'll need a thinner font - maybe similar to #485.
For #485, we'd like to see any variation you can come with on the idea. It was a late addition, but it's very cool. We want the "red crow" to appear slightly different than the black ones. Maybe bigger, maybe different shape, maybe he faces a different direction than the other 3...something unique about that crow.
Thanks for the new submissions. Are you planning on doing any variations on #338?
#596 probably looks a bit too much like a windows logo. #485 is still likely my preference, however, you could try to make the red crow face forward in perspective? It's not different enough at a glance. Also, Could you try make the red crow the most crow looking of all?
#622 is an improvement, but the black crows aren't working- they're too muddy. It looks quite unfinished. Maybe a contrast between slick, stylized black crows and a gritty red crow would be a good thing to try..
I'm a bit torn between #680 and #485. I might want to play around with a combination of both ideas after the contest ends - would you sell me both for the win?