Thank you for your work.
I like
#48 the best.
However, I would like to see how it'd look withour the person.
Then was thinking to put the circul at about the letter "I"
I am getting not sure about having a figure in the logos,,,
I dont want the look that can be too self enlighten, although realize do help develop and improving ourselves.
Because if self enlighten taste is too strong, it can be look cult and spritual in a way.
Realize is more based on the truth, action and things that you can control.
it is sort of the science which is the result of the study about human commnucation behavior and how our brain works.
do you know what I mean?
I adimit there is similar concept and I like spritual elements as I wrote in ,y brief, but the balance with business tone is very important.
So I am thinking to have those element more indirect (abstrac?) visual image...
Would you work on that???