Ready Set RowLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Ready Set Row

Ready Set Row has selected their winning logo design.

For $400 they received 108 designs from 5 different designers from around the world.














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I think the person here looks too feminine and it has to be very very clear that this is indoor rowing from the rendering- so there needs to be a handle and a chain coming off the handle. They cannot think that this is on the water rowing.
9 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi thanks for the fast feedback! I really appreciate it here you go change the person in a more masculine and put a handle in chain in abstract hope you like this version :)
9 years ago
Yes better- I think too much detail on the machine- take away the seat part and you can just show the chain and the flywheel and people will know that it is on an ergometer. I don't want to have to look at it to figure out what the guy is doing.
9 years ago
and the catch position is probably more clear which is at full compression rather than extension
9 years ago
Logo Designer
Here you go :) remove the seat part hope you like this one :)
9 years ago
Take a look at the photos i uploaded- the flywheel of the machine (the round part) is on the same plane as the athlete's - it is not below as you have drawn. The chain from the handle to the flywheel is parallel to the floor not as you have drawn.
9 years ago
Also the arms of the athlete are parallel to the ground, straight across, not down as you have drawn
9 years ago
Logo Designer
I see let me revise it and submit again thanks :)
9 years ago
Logo Designer
here is another one :)
9 years ago
yes number 32 is correct- the other ones are not. Look at the drawing that I posted- it's a blue background- if you can add a little more detail maybe the seat/bar under him?
9 years ago
Logo Designer
added details on the logo :)
9 years ago
Logo Designer
made another version with the sketch you made :)
9 years ago
Can you make the ROW wording in black on number 35
9 years ago
Logo Designer
there you go :)
9 years ago
My husband said he coudn't tell what he was looking at when he looked at the logo- did not feel that the athlete and the machine were identifiable enough. Can you modify it so that it is a little more clear?
9 years ago
Logo Designer
made a few adjustment of the logo
9 years ago
The other theme we really like - is the one I suggested of the hands, handle and chain only- very toned forearms, but drawn in almost an abstract way- like the black and white rower logo that I uploaded - can you do one like that too to see how you would do it. The forearms and hand grip really demonstrate toughness and "grit" which we like... want to see how you would interpret that.
9 years ago
Logo Designer
sure! I will send another version of it thanks! :)
9 years ago
Logo Designer
I made another version of the rower and the guy that this make it more obvious what is he doing hope you like it! :) thanks!
9 years ago
Marveen I still get feedback that the O is too hard to read/decipher - not sure what to do about that.
9 years ago
And the flywheel in the new drawings looks too much like a hockey puck to me. #67 and 68
9 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi I tweaked the size and tilt the hand grip made the "R" in front of the hand to make it more obvious and edgy looking so you could see the "O". :)
9 years ago
That's better- can you take the thumb off the bottom of the handle- the hands/fingers just hook over the top- you don't actually have your hands wrapped fully around it.
9 years ago
Logo Designer
sure! I will adjust it let me upload another version then edit the other design :) thanks for a fast feedback
9 years ago
Logo Designer
there you go :) i remove the thumb at the bottom of the handle hope you like the new versions
9 years ago
Logo Designer
hi hollyflingaustin any improvements you would like to do on my logo entry? :) let me know so I can do it for you many thanks!
9 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi hollyflingaustin remove the camp and made it Indoor Training
9 years ago
Marveen- did you see the drawings that I posted of other ideas that I like- not sure the hands are getting the message across... look at the photos I uploaded.
9 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi hollyflingaustin I have use the photo of the girl rowing and made it a vector then added on my recent design hope you like this version :)
9 years ago
Rower seems to be blending into the R too much- can't separate the person from the writing
9 years ago
Logo Designer
Which entry? :)
9 years ago
We like 86 - it's a lot of black- can you tone down the black somehow and maybe put "ready set" in smaller font so that it is just over the chain so it doesn't blur into the handle? And can you make the person a bit more artsy and not so literal? It is clearly a male and am hoping for it to a bit more androgynous. See the rendering I had uploaded that was a white and black rower to see the style I am looking for.
9 years ago
See the doc i just uploaded "Like this logo"
9 years ago
Logo Designer
OK hollyflingaustin :)
9 years ago
Logo Designer
Here you go hollyflingaustin hope you love this version :) androgynous person with the bit of red to make it more edgy looking ;)
9 years ago
94 too heavy, masculine and big like a body builder- think leaner muscle and less burly
9 years ago
Logo Designer
so how was my entries hollyflingaustin? :) did you get some feedbacks too?
9 years ago
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