Really happy with all entries, could you please try them with some different colour variations? or without the dark backgrounds? i.e. number # 20, #18, & #19?
#211 is great!! Can we please try it with a vertical line on the right hand side of the circle and Raymond Partners next to that line in the same font and size then under that Accountants and Advisors
Thanks again your designs are great and I appreciate your effort!
How ever could you please move the circle bsck over to the left a little so that there can still be a vertical line separating the logo and Raymond Partners Accountants and Advisors?
Please do not take the top all the way to the bottom just shorten the top part of circle so that it lines uop with the bottom, it is longer the rest of the components of the circle and looks as though it sticks out
I am very sorry! I was away from the office when the winning logo was picked as was the director! We love the logo but preferred the darker royal blue you had use.
Is it possible for the final files to be exactly the same only with the royal/darker blue?