#58 I like the work you have done so far. We kind of feel you are forcing the red and black too much. Use all black for the font or lettermark or visa versa. This could mean having mechanical contractor in red...or have it in black to match the font. Just throwing ideas out. Could you do the lettermark in all red or all black and have on the letters be an outline instead of colored in? We like how you have the line and mechanical contractor all the way across the bottom. Looks very classy and crisp. What would it look like if the mechanical contractor and the line were only under the Ray Martin and they matched the height of the lettermark? This would mean getting rid of the "company of omaha." You could use "co" similar to what irish is doing right now, as that looks classy.
#44 I really like 44 too. Could we put a border around the lettermark? I really like the font in the logo I have ranked 1st right now. I would like to see that paired up with your rm. Then maybe have a couple different versions, one with mechanical contractor and the line under Ray Martin and the other with it underneath Ray Martin and the lettermark.