RavfestivalLogo Design Contest
Logo Design Contest
Contests / Ravfestival
Ravfestival has selected their winning logo design.
For $375 they received 42 designs
from 13 different designers from around the world.
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Logo Design Brief
What We Do
We must have made a logo for a great ravfestival taking place on the west coast of Denmark.
The purpose of Ravfestivalen is to create one large recurring cultural festival, which focuses on the area's natural emerging amber.
Through lectures, activities and exhibitions we will be based on amber and show people how amber look like and what the possibilities are with it. At the same time, we will raise the interest in amber and parts fascination front and experiences with amber.
In addition, we teach people to gather amber, so they return to the area to make it on their own.
There may be included a large piece of amber in the logo.
The purpose of Ravfestivalen is to create one large recurring cultural festival, which focuses on the area's natural emerging amber.
Through lectures, activities and exhibitions we will be based on amber and show people how amber look like and what the possibilities are with it. At the same time, we will raise the interest in amber and parts fascination front and experiences with amber.
In addition, we teach people to gather amber, so they return to the area to make it on their own.
There may be included a large piece of amber in the logo.
Color Preferences
ocean color, beach, amber, brown and orange shades
Our Ideas & Additional Information
The text and logo will be linked