I think entry #17 & 18 have potential to be super cool. Can you play with the color combination and move it slightly more away from nature?? Keep 'em coming!
I like both the new ones better. We are a wellness facility, and have an exercise gym on premise, so can you make the "r" in the symbol perhaps a little more thin. The figure looks a little chunky. I'm not trying to be vain, its just that we're promoting fitness. Also, since I really do like the symbol better, can you play with the color combo. The yellow background is nice, but I wonder if you could find an even better color combo. You don't have to be limited to blue and green.
like #57 and really like #58! I wish that I liked the orange, because it really pops, but I wonder what it would look like with a lighter blue or more teal color. The logo is SWEET though!