A strong capital R rationed into bold-colored sections. Presents both the coming together of resources and support as well as dividing a challenge into more manageable steps or goals.
#8 - your description of how you see the rationize part is good - could the Rationize word be stronger underneath - the faded part seems to lose the word and since it is not a real (dictionary) word to begin with... I don't want to lose anyone - thanks
# 11 is closer to the rugged, tough, stamp concept... I'm trying to decide if the font is a little hard to read or not as it's a narrow font. I'm also thinking we may have the keep the "R" in RATIONIZE the same color as the other letters vs. the colored "R" of the icon. What do you think?
#43 - question, could the "R" be integrated subtley in a faded (subliminal) one-color scheme in a similar rough font look behind a stronger bolder, bigger black "RATIONIZE" ? Curious what this might look like.
I'm trying to get the RATIONIZE to be the focus and not just the "R" somehow.