#12 Nice looking. I would like the font bolder... maybe even outlined. The horse is cool... might be too fierce :) Is there a way to put a longhorn emblem somewhere? The school mascot is the longhorn. A silhouette of the head & horns? thanks Pat!
Thanks for the comments, Here is the revised design, Going to show it in two different versions. Any comments or concerns, just let me know. Thanks, Pat
#27 is way cool. I like how the font of Rancho is bold and stands out. The longhorn should not be orange. That is the correct longhorn but wrong color. When I look at this I love it! I'm only concerned that the horse looks like the mascot and not the longhorn. What do you think? I definately want both the horse and longhorn on the logo. Just think maybe the longhorn should be larger? in the background? I do Love the look. Great design. :)
#29.. Thanks for the design. I think the horse is lost in there somewhere... I still like #27 with the font upper and lower.. Just not sure about the placement of the longhorn. ??
#27... I think the white circle is making the horse get a little lost... I can see the horse better with the darker color behind it...or no circle. what do you think?
Revised design, following your comments plus changing the type face, more visual impact with a bolder font, plus easier for the embroiderer. Enlarged the horse also and got rid of the rules, felt it was getting too busy?