I like the font on #11 not sure about the horse... the horse is tricky...Jumpers is what the girls mostly do. but some might join the group who do not jump. I will use this for the back of jackets with embroidery so I want the font bold and outlined. Maybe the horse jumping over the words? Thanks for the entries..
#18.... nice new design.. I'm still not sure about the horse.. I love the longhorn! the horse needs to be not so cutie. but I do lie the look. Or maybe big Longhorn head small horse? I really love the shape and feeling of #18.. just not sure about the horse. I want both the longhorn and horse of some kinds somewhere... to show it's the longhorns and they have a equestrian team. thanks for the design.
Thanks for your feedback, #30 - have changed the horses eyes to more realistic so not so 'cutsie' and made the longhorn the dominant size over the horse. I've put on maroon background to show how it will look on your jackets.
Thanks for the designs... I still think the horse is cute! Not sure if a boy would want to wear this... I like the colors and how you used the fonts. Just not sure about the horse..