Rainmaking For LawyersLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Rainmaking For Lawyers

Rainmaking For Lawyers has selected their winning logo design.

For $400 they received 104 designs from 19 different designers from around the world.
















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Logo Designer
simple raindrop in the R
13 years ago

Thank you so much for taking the time to submit your initial designs. I greatly appreciate it.

I prefer # 17 to # 16.

Because rainmaking is a metaphor for attracting more clients, it has a strong financial connotation. The umbrella and rain in # 16 are therefore too literal. Would like to see something that helps people feel that we can, as a consulting firm, help them grow their business. Using dollar signs might be too obvious but your design made me think of that possibility.

I like the "R" in # 16. Would prefer to see it a bit more sleek and modern. Would also like to see some color contrast. Perhaps having the raindrop be in different color such as green (or another image that shows growth).

As for the shape of raindrop, would prefer it to be a bit more elongated. I think some people might see the current image more as a ball or balloon.

Thanks again for your designs. I am excited to see your next designs.


13 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks for the feedback Gideon.

I submitted a revised entry with the raindrop R #20

I also submitted entry #21 using a column or pedestal suggestive of law but also hints at support and reaching new heights. The ribs of the column create an increasing bar chart to show acquisition.

Let me know your thoughts on these entries.

13 years ago

Thanks for the revised designs. For # 20, I like the color a lot; would like to see it without the raindrop. Also while I do like the sleeker "R," might be better if used a sans serif font. When the R and the text are both in serif, it has less of a customized feel. Also curious to see what it would like if the word Rainmaking was in Green, or some other color combination.

For #21, it does have a strong feel, which I like very much. Also like the color. The column look is used a lot by lawyers, often using the picture or image of the front of a courthouse. Would like to play with this a bit. How about an upward moving arrow (like a line graph showing increased revenues)? this could be used instead of the diagonal sloping line.

We are definitely getting closer. Thanks.

13 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Gideon,

Again, thanks for the feedback.

I added 2 more versions working with the R #29 #30
And one version working with increased revenue #31

Let me know your thoughts on these and in the meantime I'll come up with a few more options for you.

13 years ago

Thanks for the quick turn-around on these.

For # 30, i like the creativity in terms of the oval shape. My first impression was that it made it harder to tell that the letter "R" was inside the oval. Looked like a P with an offshoot and it maybe have one too many colors. So overall, I like like # 29 more than # 30. I also like # 31. It's clean balanced and does have this upward positive feel. Definitely a contender.

I'm looking forward to your other designs.


13 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks Gideon.

I'll be working on a few more versions of the R design today and get them uploaded for you later.

#43 is a new entry exploring customer acquisition by increasing the figures and orbiting them.

Thanks for the feedback provided thus far!
13 years ago
Thanks Glendon,

#43 is very creative. The three humans look a bit too much like a family, and many of my best clients don't represent individuals. They work more with corporate clients and other entities. One way that lawyers think about new clients is the idea of signing them up (because most states require lawyers and clients to sign contracts when they start working together). Something related to signing people up may work here.

Thanks again for the range of designs you have submitted. I really appreciate it.

13 years ago
Hi Glendon,

We are in the home stretch. Would it be possible to see # 31 with the image on the left and the text on the right, as well as variations that have the text with a larger bolder more modern look?


13 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Gideon,

I'll get started on the revisions and get them uploaded for your review.

13 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Gideon,

I sent over 2 updates with the icon to the left
#76 and #77

Let me know what you think about the new font in #77.

13 years ago
Thanks Glendon for the newest designs. It's getting hard to distinguish between the logos. I like several of them a lot. I think the font in #77 is a bit too bold. But I do like it and it does look more contemporary than 76.

Is this the kind f change that can be made during the judging phase? This is my first contest and I mwant to make sure I follow the rules. is it ok to ask to receive the percise colors used in designs? Again, if asking for this info is against the rules, plese let me know. Didn't see this issue covered in any of the forum discussions.

13 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Gideon,

Changes can still be made during the judging phase.
It gives us a chance to work a little more one on one and make any font or color changes needed to refine the design.
let me know if you had a specific color in mind that you would like to see.

13 years ago
Hi Glendon,

Hope you are well.

I have some good news. I would like to go with #43, if we tweek the color a bit. This was a very popular design among the people I asked. Appreciate your hard work during the contest.

This logo will of course go on the Rainmakingforlawyers.com site. We will need to change the color scheme for the site to work better with the logo. I think that the green currently being used for "For Lawyers" is a bit to yellowish. Would like a bit of a bolder green I think.

I am open to your suggestions regarding the font and colors, and look forward to finalizing this design with you.

13 years ago
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