I think that I like 77 and 76 the most of your 4 submissions so far. 77 is cool in it's minimalistic approach. And 76 is a nice treatment with the image and typeface. I like the idea of 75, but the image is almost so abstract that at first I thought it was a Chinese character. I like the idea, but wonder if there is a way to make it somewhat whimsical. My reasoning is this: The site is geared towards the amateur athlete. Yes, they take their races seriously enough to research them and review them, but in the end, the races and the sport are something that they enjoy and are fun. So, I'm trying to find a balance between the fun and the serious elements. That's kind of why I went with the name, figuring that the dual meaning of "briefs" (a short summary and a pair of shorts) would be an opportunity to play with it visually.
So, here would be my feedback
For 77 & 76: I like the ideas. Many athleticlaly focused sites use red as their primary color and I'm interested in seeing another "strong" color (green, yellow, blue or somethign you select) that doesn't feel too male or female at the same time.
For 75: An image in the circle that embodies the fun/serious side of racing (running, biking, swimming, etc) but nothing too specific (a sneaker?). Just a thought, if this doesn't work for you, then so be it.
Thanks very much for the diverse and creative work. You are making this a very tough contest to judge.
Leland B.