we really like pretty much all your options. what we would like is a copy of #22 & #45, these are the same logo just with the RT in different areas. Also a copy of the RT on its own. would this be possible if we mark you as the winner. also in what fromats would we receive the logo.
It is the same logo and I will provide all the mentioned versions in the final files package. Also one-color as well as dark background versions will be included.
Thanks Stickie, you have done a great job and we are super happy with your result. I'm not sure what format the logo come to us in but we really need a Jpeg. .ai and a eps last time we ran a comp the designer didn't give it to us in different formats and we have had a hell of a time with it. if you could supply them in these formats this would be a HUGE help. yu can send them to kaycaudwell@clear.net.nz
I have noticed that the lines around the letters are a little blurry, especially when the images go a bit bigger. As this will be the case on the van signage, is there any way to remedy this?
sorry to respond so late.I was on holiday.. you have probably already realized that its not an issue .. the source files are all vector artwork which means - no quality loss no matter the size...what you have seen is probably the jpg image - it loses quality when scaled to a bigger size...