Hi... thanks for considering my designs for your contest. Please let me know if you would like to see any changes. You can message me here by leaving a comment or you can private message me through this website.
Any thoughts on these? The letter mark with all three letters is very strong for this contest. I'd like to see how this ranks in here if possible. The contest is closing soon, so if you need to see any changes just rank me in 1st temporarily so I can upload during judging.
Sorry but I did not explain properly... What our CEO would like for you to try is this (let me see if I can explain better and if not let me know).
He would like to see the RT Henry in what I will call dot form. If you have every seen a Wall Street Journal and they have the pictures is dot form. He would like to see what the RT Henry that you have in black on #210 in that dot form. Again I may not be descibing this to you correctly but that is the best way I can think of how to descibe it. Almost like a newspaper print but very dense dots like 70 or 80 point.
The purpose of halftoning is to show different shades of color. If you want this just in black I won't be able to so much of a tone. I could though make this a medium gray so it would show the effect.
It's kind of hard to see. I need to make the dots small so it fills the lettering properly, but the smaller it is the less noticeable the effect is. Also, this one is reverse halftone. Black text with white dots. Black dots make it even harder to read. It looks good larger though
How about you try one with the black dots and white text - will that make a difference? I think what he is trying to go for is making the RT Henry almost grayish in tone ...almost faint - shadow like.
as far as the halftoning, it looks great up close in #213 and #214 , but just isn't working at the image sizes used here on LT and typical screen resolutions. One option is to go with something like #215 for screen and web, and have your printer halftone it specifically for print.
Like #214 but how come the top of R T Henry is not as dark as the bottom of the letters? Design effect? Can we get the top of the letters as dark as the bottom. I believe our CEO was looking for something like #214 if the letters at the top can stand out more than they are. Same with #215 why does it look faded towards the top of the letters?
If we declare one the winner is it something that you can send us files for both ways like #214 and #215?
We want to declare a winner today and get the files ASAP.
Great. Why does the bottom of the letters in R T Henry on #214 look a little darker than the top of the letters? Is it a design effect that you put in? If so can we try to make the top of the letters look like the bottom half?
It is a design effect I put in. I wanted it to appear to fade in color from dark to light, so I changed the size of the dots from larger on the bottom to smaller on the top. In #216 I made them all the same size like you requested. #217 is just a solid gray.
I believe #216 is it! I think that is what he was wanting.
If we declare that one the winner can you get us the files for #216 and #217 (Just in case)? Our CEO is traveling today but I will declare it the winner if you can get us the files for both.