Do you know if the graphic would be suitable for an ink stamp? It looks like it would to me, but maybe you have some experience with making stamps. I don't. It would be a way to authenticate my limited edition prints.
I think it be nice to use a label for limited edition prints or use it as the same brand of water, I think that would be great in any way the use of a food dye.
#108 is a nice variation, but I'm sticking with #96 (as well as the black and white background variations for different media - i.e., #82 & #83).
What would small caps look like instead of all caps? Maybe in the name, but not "FINE ART ...." Maybe the other way, too. And then what if both the name & the "Fine Art ..." used small caps.
I guess I'm still not clear. Look at #73. See how the first letter of a word in my name is a large capitial and then the usual lower case letters are still "capital" style, but smaller?
in a separate bit of graphic elements like the head of the "P" and "leg" that makes up the "R" also the "B" so that the stamp does not render it next to the inaccuracies, also expanded a little table for more space, so we can translate the label ..