##22-23 Six of one as to which I ranked and which I said I'm not interested in. My main issue is the big B. Leaving it out would be better.
##18-21 I like these, but the script of my name is unlike my signature, and my prints are signed "recto" so I think that's a problem. Couldn't simply substitute my signature for it, since it's not exactly legible. If that was done, my name would also have to added in type. Maybe that's an approach to consider, and the script could be a placeholder for my signature (to be added later).
In #47#48 and #52 i took out the B, I think it looks rather sharp!. In #49-51 I only left the B. Also can you explain what you meant when you said maybe that's an approach to consider, and the script could be a placeholder for my signature (to be added later).
For #45, I'd like a different font for the name. Something a little more formal for my target market. Something like Trajan Pro or Garamond or Veranda, probanly with small caps?
For #58 & #59, the same above comment on font of the name applies. I really like the perspective of my current logo. I think it "explains" that one is a projection of the other through a lens. But I may have overdone it a little. The name must remain legible because of the next comment. One thing I don't like about my current logo is that I've got my name too many times. I think twice bracketing the lens is enough, so please drop the name at the top of these designs. Finally, I'd like a little more "point" to the top and bottom of the lens. In the real world, it's actually a flat rim, but schematically, it's often shown pointed. I've never seen a curved end, so that might obscure the idea that this is a lens.
And on #59, what if there was a black boarder on the outside? It would make this usable on a gray/black background, as well as white stationary.