A second thought has occurred to me as well. I think I would like to see another blue piece added to the puzzle symbol to create a square. Then inside the square I thin k I would like to see some creative use of the letters ""Q&W". Thanks and I look forward to seeing some revised designs.
I like to revised color scheme and the "sqauring off" of the pussle logo. I now have a couple of different revisions I would like to see. First, I want to reword the slogan to now say "Solving the Business and Estate Planning Puzzles" Second, concerning the display of the "Q&W" inside the puzzle logo, I would like to see some versions wiht the "&" symbol appearing in all four of the puzzle pieces. I also would like to see some other variations of the "Q&W" similar to expamples 2 and 3 of the current order of entries. Thanks for all of your efforts and I look forward to seeing some revisions from you.
Concerning the '"&W" I am not sure how best to describe what I am lookign for, but some sort of variation similar to either entries 5 or 13 and the display of the variation in a fashion to span all four of the pieces comprising the puzzle logo, all the while keeping the same blue and gray variation of the puzzle logo pieces. I am not sure whether this description makes any sense, but I look forward to some more revisions. Thanks.
I think entry 25 is getting very close to what I am looking for. I have ranked it #1 so far. I would like to see some more variations that include the following revisions. First, between the letters Q and W in the spelled out name I would like the phrase "Law Offices" in the same font and gray color as the slogan below the spelled out name. Second, concerning the logo, I would like to see the "&" in different colors such as darker gray or black. Third, concerning the background puzzle motif, since the slogan is now solving the puzzle, I am wondering whether you can re-configure the background puzzle to look like a completed puzzle and not just puzzle pieces. I still want it to look like a puzzle. Hopefully this description makes some sense to you. Thanks for your hard work and I look forward to seeing some revisions from you.
Funny, i had thought about finishing the puzzle off...
Submitting 4 versions:
- All of them have the puzzle "finished" with straight edge and round corners. - The slogan was replaced with "law offices" - if you meant to keep the slogan and have law offices added inbetween please let me know... - There are 2 color versions for the "&" between the initials on top. Dark and Light Gray. I myself prefer the darker version, but you need to see both to make up your mind... - Both color variations come with and without a gap between the puzzle tiles. - Thought wise that would mean, the initials are either on the puzzle tiles themselves, or floating above the puzzle...
I think entry 40 is getting close on the logo front; however, I may not have been clear about where I wanted the phrase "Law Offices". I did not want to replace the slogan "solving the business and estate planning puzzles" underneath the written firm name and would like for you to put the slogan back in the same font and gray color where it was. I would like the phrase "Law Offices" to be above the written firm name between the letter Q and the letter W in the same font and gray color as the slogan underneath the written firm name. Finally, I just noticed that there also needs to be a "," between the "s" in Wilks and the "P." in P.C. ie. Quinto & Wilks, P.C. Thanks.
I think that entry #45 is very close to what I am lookign for and I have ranked it as my first choice for some time. Nevertheless, I would like to tinker with the puzzle logo in the background and see if there is a way to make it a little less "busy". I am thinking something similar in orientation to entry #46, but keeing the same gray and blue alternating colors and the same "Q&W" letter and color scheme. I guess I am wondering what showing the completed puzzle in a manner similar to entry #46, but with the shape, colors and "Q&W" of entry #45 would look like. Hope this makes sense. Thanks.
I like the idea of differnt shapes for the puzzle logo such as entry #52. Could you tkae out the little smoke stack looking portion of this entry and perhaps show me some other differnt shapes as well? Thanks.
Please explain why you chose to withdraw all of your entries including the ones that I had ranked as the leading contender for some time. While I realize that I chose to extend the contest, I would have thought that you would want to keep the version that I ranked as the leading contender in the running.
I have removed my entries, because I felt that many of the newer entries were copies of my original idea, and that with 7 more days to go there are only so many revisions before the design is overworked. My intention is to reconsider the top few designs two days before the contest will end.
This should also open the playing field for some more original ideas...
I like entry number 101, but would like to see a few revisions. First I would like to see the background color of the top piece of the puzzle in a burgendy color. NExt I would like to see the letters "uinto" and "ilks" in the name to be in a burgendy color as well. Thanks.