I really like the dress idea w/o the face and hair on #89. You switched the fonts, I like the fonts in #8. Keep it simple please. How about #89 in the opposite colors with the same cut-outs of the stars in the dress like on #61. Message me if you have more questions.
Style of #90 is my favorite so far. Can you show me variations related to this please? With stars, without stars, colors more simple, without the black "drop shadow" style. Colors more like #8 please?
You are one of the top 3 finalist. My favorite logo is #97. Can you do any other variations to this logo to convince me this is the logo I should pick as the winner please? Maybe play with the font, add something else, etc.? Let me know please.
Congratulations on being selected the winner of this logo competition. I really do love the logo you've created! I like it how it went from the fruit pear to the dress with the face to then the winning dress!
Would you be able to provide me with the logos as soon as possible please? Hopefully today. I have somethings I need to send off to print with this new logo. Please and thank you.