I like the icon, but I don't like the font. I think I like that the icon is round. Is there anything we can do that's interesting with the idea of the icon looking like a "Q"? Notice how that works with the Beaufort Fairmont logo, that a "b" is embedded inside the icon part of the logo. Something like that... keeping that "cleverness" would be cool.
Entry #4 - I like the white quill icon on the blue background, but I don't like that it is square. I also hate the font. I don't like weird lines below each letter, either.
Entry #1 - I don't like adding the yellow and silver color. I'll have to use the icon part of this logo for a very small icon in eclipse to denote that the text editor is the quill text editor, so it can't have much detail - or a version of it can't have much detail. Once again, don't like the font, but it's better than #4.
The idea of the quill does have something to do with elegance, and I think that's what you're getting at with the font. But I'm looking for a different type of elegance, the type you see in a well formed mathematical proof, or really great code. Simple.
#10 is just a little too detailed. I have to use the Q symbol as a very small icon. I'm looking for the size, but it's very small. So the icon has to be recognizable apart from detail. I like it, I just don't think it will play when it's the size of the icon I need. http://www.eclipse.org/articles/Article-UI-Guidelines/Contents.html See the "Icon size % placement". Now, like I said, Obviously, I want a cool, non-pixelated icon for the large version that will be in the logo and on the website and all, but it also has to scale down to 15x15 pixels somehow.
Entry #10. I don't know why I don't like this better. I do know that #25 just really hit the target by taking the idea of the gear from the Beaufort Fairmont icon and using it in the quill icon. That is not to say that every logo should have the gear in it... but that one just really hit the mark. I'm ok with the font, I like the gradient, I can't put my finger on why this one can't usurp #25 at the moment.
Hi again, i have had a discussion with BusinessBuilder (#1 rank) and we both believe, as we have the same basis of an idea that we could both use the quill with the gear and we can do it like that. You see if i had taken BB to Logo Court, maybe their design, your favourite, would be taken off, so we decided to 'battle it out' instead, still leaving your preferred design on. Hope this is clear for you :) It probably does not make much sense to a CH but its a fairly big thing to the designers you see. It would not be wise though to let any other designer think that its ok to follow what me and BB have done, therefore we opened a forum thread in the designers forum and explained it to other designers not to follow what we do :)