More feedback... all for your entry #2 What we love: You incorporated all elements! Love the simplicity and yet balanced complexity. Love that you created a custom emblem with the mountains as the top portion Thank you for using standard font, bold easy to read
What we would like to see more of or changes: Use of solid 2 colors rather than the stripes in the bottom half Maybe a boulder at the bottom of the creek near the edge (in reverse white or secondary color?) Simpler bolder roof lines without shading / gradient A couple of more concepts and other ideas along the same line...
Thanks for your hard work, and for raising the competition from the beginning!
Hey there, We see that you added rocks to the creek. Thanks for noticing the general comment. Your creek actually was one of the few that didn't need that. Can you keep the creek shape in #37 but remove the rocks. Maybe also give us the trees in white to balance things out.
Yep, #48 is what we had in mind. I will rank it to replace #37.
Would love to see additional versions where you play around with size of mountains and tree shapes / size. Maybe slightly larger mountains (not too much more) or taller?
Maybe one version with the trees in a deep hunter green, the mountains as simple outlines (same shape but instead of solid, a thick line outline, and matching green on the Quiet Creek Inn ribbon.
#71 and #75 are great for your concept in what we're looking for. We don't like the white 'cut out' effect in #74, but it was a good concept to see.
Can we see one or two revisions of #71 with thicker lines for the mountains? Maybe increase height up of the mountains (not trees or cabin) by a 6-18 points? You're definitely in the top 5 with this emblem so far.!
Hi Masmett, thanks for the revisions Probably last revisions, as follows. a. Keep chimney larger, we can’t see it in #100 and it probably won’t show well in print/ online or if we reduce. b. To simplify, I will remove older versions and keep only finalists. c. We like both the one color and two color versions, so for #97 which will be one of the top 5, can we use two colors, the current blue and either the green in the trees or in the banner (no shading please, one solid color), or the green in #100. We will be finalizing colors anyway in the final phase, just wanting to simplify the concept/logo now.
Thanks for all your efforts and such fast revisions.