We really like how you've incorporated some of our favorite elements in #116. To keep things simple, we will remove #117, and focus on #116. With some revisions, this may make it into the top 5. Please revise: a. Can we use deeper bolder colors instead of the pastels. We are currently preferring a deep blue, medium to deep green, and a brown/gray/slate color. b. Use one font, place on one line 'Quiet Creek Inn'. You may have to adjust relative sizing to emblem
WOW that was quick!!! and exactly what we had in mind Thanks! One small change, because the windows in the smaller cabins are so small, they may not reproduce as two triangles. Can you merge them into one solid white triangle for the smaller ones and keep the larger one as is?
Thanks for your new entry #156. We really like your design and simplicity in #131, so let's focus on that. #156 makes a good oval emblem but we think we're going in another direction.
For revision, can we see #131 with same houses (facing same direction) but in a hexagon shape, maybe with text inside the shape.
See this general posting; Feedback for everyone in this round: We would like to see your designs in emblem concepts in varying shapes (ie circle, oval, badge, shield, and hexagon) per the original brief attachment. If you feel your designs can be reporesented in another shape (perhaps a hexagon or oval or shield?) please feel free to experiment with laying out same beautiful elements in another shap (for hexagon, see the 'Glacier' park badge in the attachment).
We have a few circles already and some unique shapes, and would like to see others. --end pasted general comment For yours, let's concentrate on circle and hexagon, or a custom shape. Feel free to put a design element that "sticks out' from the shape in some versions.