A couple of comments that were already made to the group, probably before you submitted / designed yours: Please no log cabins, keep the cabin design plain lines, see other top rated submissions.
We like that you followed on the travel poster theme. Please keep the design bold without too many small elements like the birds (please remove) and the clouds (consider enhancing / enlarging or removing).
Hello.. Dear qci Thank's a lot for your quick response.. I was send some revisions hopenes you like.. feel free for other revisions and don't hesitate for ask some change if you need.. Thank you
We're headed in the right direction. Thanks for simplifying the cabin. Cabin should be single story, simple. Please see photos (I posted link in the general discussion). Hope that helps. Also, let's limit colors. I will rank #47 shortly as our preferred design version of yours. Also, can we remove the sun rays and enlarge the sun a bit. We like it in the corner, but the rays won't reproduce well depending on the media. Simple circle is great.
Dear qci Hello again, thank's a lot for continue feedback.. I was send some revisions hopeness you like... and I know you in holiday now.. I just want a say " Merry Christmas and Happy New year!" Wish you all the best..:))
Great updates! Thanks for simplifying the design. Can we get the cloud in the top left to be bolder / thicker.
Please remove the white shading on the roof (or leave only one and make bolder/thicker)
Please remove the white random lines at the bottom of the cabin (maybe supposed to be grass?) They look messing.
To finalize the cabin design, look at this link below on our google plus photos. Use the first picture of the cabins to get a general idea of the shape (doesnt have to be exact) and note the TRIANGLE windows under the rooftop. IF you can incorporate a stylized version of the triangle window, that would make this emblem more unique to our property. We wouldnt mind seeing a few versions of the cabin design changes.