Hi Scott, thanks for such varied and diverse options!
We absolutely love the concepts layering the different elements into an emblematic shape, #13, #26, #35 and their variations. Not originally what we had thought, but better! Thanks for taking it to the next level with this concept.
Here's what we love about those shapes and their variations: Simple, elegant, and cleanly conveys our message in an tight design. #26 is a great concept as-is (with update to font in #35)
For our first-ranking #35, we would like to see versions where the cabin (brown element with window) is more delineated as a building with steeper roof (perhaps not as steep as #16). Currently with the two angles on the roof it looks a bit like a tent. One option that was discussed in the office is maybe enlarging the pine tree component and making the cabin as the 'trunk' of the tree somehow which would allow for more linear walls?
For #35 and #26, we would love to see additional emblematic versions (ie playing around with borders or incorporating the text into a single emblem? We're wide open to your artistic impressions.
As for font, #35 works well with that modern look, perhaps slightly bolder version.
Hi Scott, what happened to tomorrow? LOL! Thanks for updating.
Couple of thoughts : Agree with you on #39. Can we try this: go back to one window in the middle, then reduce the 1/2 width to make look like the trunk of the pine tree as well as the cabin?
on #40, we see what you mean by flooding. What about if we replace the window with a door would that help? Also thought maybe reduce the roof width a bit on each side left and right, so the cabin doesn't look half underwater?
Hi Scott, Thanks for such great additional concepts. We love much, but will focus on areas we want enhanced:
For the newer designs, starting to feel that the water is too thin. We really like the older water pattern as in #35, 41, and original concept, etc. Can we see a few design variations with this water pattern in various shapes (square, reflection triangle, etc)
We like #51 over #55 because for some reason #55 look like three gnomes hiding their heads under their big hats. I think it’s because the brown is so wide, it looks like gnome bodies. But we really like the reverse effect on the gnome hats, ehrr… the pine trees which makes for a solid emblem if the shading effect was removed.
The quilt water concept was a great idea, but may be too surreal for most viewers or too stylized.
Hi Scott, On second glance, the new water design on the newer elements appears more turbulent than 'quiet'. Can we see versions of #80 #87 and #83 with water from the original #35 #39 and #41? Thanks.
For the new water for #80, #87 and #83, using original #35 #39 and #41, you may need to broaden the stroke on the white lines a bit to match and that's ok. The original water seems quiet and more aligned.
Going over everything we discussed, particularly the gnome look and creek, I've come up with a revised version.
#118 #119
1. The creak in the original is compressed vertically to give fore shorting effect (shadow) #113 this is not the case with the newer design (box style)
2. the gnome effect that is coming from the triangle slice through the free. Let get rid of that slice and straighten the bottom section of the tree. The original trees are all the same size...the trees should be different sizes to have a more dynamic effect rather than looking too static.
3. there was something missing from the designs an important feature for the area and that is mountains
First, on the water effect, thanks for calming it down a bit. Can we see a version where the top of the water is cut straight / flat, or flattened out more? Still looks a bit too choppy near the cabins. One ‘S’ curve is ok, but two makes it look turbulent.
For the trees, we actually prefer the angled cut at the bottom of the triangle over the flat horizontal cuts in revisions #118 and #119, which look too geometrical now. Let’s revert to that. Placement / sizing of trees we can still go either way (old or new).
Lastly we like the addition of the mountains, but the angles seem off and the detail (snow cap) will be lost. Can we try for a bolder look, say simple lines (width matching border) that form two peaks, one peak higher than the other. You may need to increase the height of the emblem and decrease the relative size of the trees a bit to fit the mountains in with the trees under the strokes. OR the strokes could go through the trees (in background).
That’s a lot of options; let’s see what your creative expertise will put out. Ranking will be wonky on your stuff until we see the revisions (since there are so many permutations), but you're in the top 5 for sure. Don;t be surprised if we flop back and forth on your designs.
#157 #158 updates, with minor changes, the tree are same height, the house has a roof line and the tree bottom tips are not trimmed off the trees look more like trees. the mountain range is updated
We really like the arrangement of the tree tops in #87, as they are only barely touching. Or for #157 and #158, perhaps we can space them so they don't overlap and create little 'x' effect on the bottom when you make your next revisions.
We like the mountain shape as in #119 (angular, only two lines per peak rather than more), it seems to flow well with your modern design approach.
We'll be posting a general comment to everyone shortly about emblem concepts in varying shapes (ie circle, oval, badge, shield, and hexagon) per the original brief attachment. If you feel your designs can be reporesented in another shape (perhaps a hexagon?) please feel free to experiment with laying out same beautiful elements in another shap (for hexagon, see the 'Glacier' park badge in the attachment).
Thanks Scott Here's our feedback: We like the new water effect, and the horizontal white 'shoreline' that separates the the cabins from the water in #159 vs number #160 which has the cabins touching the water and conveying a flooding look.
We like the treetop layout in #87, the way they touch and overlap, and would like to see that in any future revisions.
Thanks for the mountains in #160. Can we see other versions of mountains halfway between the styles in #160 and #119? Looking back at my comments, I can see where I may have communicated the effecting #160 unintentionally, sorry. I think what what we have in mind is a single line that follows the ridge line to represent the mountain, but not a solid mountain shape.
#167 treeline update and mountain outline #168 without mountain and treeline update #169 mountain reversed I am really liking this version looks more together
ve not changed the shape of the mountain range we can do that in next revision just want to be on the same page and I think we are now.
On this graphic/stock vector, the best examples are the last two in the series (on the bottom row rightmost two). For the bottom rightmost graphic image, please only consider only the rightmost two mountain peaks (ignore the first one from left to right).
From a pure design perspective, I agree #16, and my Fave #41, and #42. However, we have to balance what looks good with what fits the brand/hotel/area. If we had a full service spa and upgraded 4.5 to 5 star ameneties, these are the refined looks we would want. But we're 3.75 to 4 stars at best and rustic, so having too modern a logo now (rather than 2-5 years from now?) would not fit. It is a fine and delicate balance that has caused many discussions and debate on this side that, thankfully for the artists, you (plural) have been spared.
We're good on revisions from most artists now, one or two have final updates and I'm juggling around spot 1. Judging will be tough, but hopefully swift.