Quality RestorationsLogo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / Quality Restorations Quality Restorations has selected their winning logo design. For $375 they received 123 designs from 23 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Entries by ebonk Return to Contest Return to Contest 1st #101 Withdrawn 4th #100 Withdrawn 8th #44 Withdrawn 9th #72 Withdrawn New #99 Withdrawn Prefers others. #98 Withdrawn Prefers others. #74 Withdrawn Prefers others. #73 Withdrawn Prefers others. #45 Withdrawn Prefers others. #43 Withdrawn Prefers others. #40 Withdrawn Prefers others. #39 Withdrawn Prefers others. #38 Withdrawn Prefers others. #37 Withdrawn Prefers others. #35 Discussion loumax29 Client Nice work. Can restorations be changed to Renovation? Maybe some different color options 10 years ago loumax29 Client please change to Quality Renovation Inc.Thanks... looks great! 10 years ago loumax29 Client Any way to stress the Q? My website will be Qrestoraion.com 10 years ago loumax29 Client Please change it to Quality Renovation Inc. 10 years ago ebonk Logo Designer done #98 #99 #100 #101 10 years ago loumax29 Client Hello.Please send me the AI (illustrator file) for this logo. Also, please transpose the background of logo. I am having a hard time with business cards. Background is white and looks funny.Thank you, 10 years ago loumax29 Client Hello, anyway of getting info to me regarding to last comment? I need to get business cards and website going. Thank you in advance. 10 years ago