Quality Computer ServicesLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Quality Computer Services

Quality Computer Services has selected their winning logo design.

For $300 they received 92 designs from 28 different designers from around the world.

Logo Design Brief

United States
We focus on your technology. You focus on your business.
What We Do
Since 2001, Quality Computer Services has provided dependable information technology consulting and reliable website hosting services to small to medium businesses in the St. Croix Valley of western Wisconsin.
Color Preferences
We leave this to the designers.


Order by
Entry Number
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#2 - Is that an eye or a gear? If it's an eye, it's too "cute" for our preference. And as we're more of a consulting firm and not so much of a repair shop, the wrench doesn't really fit our business.

#3 - We like the font in #3 better than #2 , and not really sure about the box. Can we have an entry both with and without the box for comparison?

#1 - We're not really seeing the C, but that's not so important. Can we see an entry with the Q as more circular?

#3 - We had to come back to this one again for another comment. The logo to the left of the words we like because that's what we've gotten used to with our existing logo, but the logo above the words we can see used more easily on shirts and business cards.

#4 - We like the emphasis on the word "Quality", but we're looking again at the font used for "Quality Computer Services". It seems a bit "spacey" for us. Could we also see an entry using three lines instead of five for the "Q"?
15 years ago
maxsense - Thanks for changing the font and doing away with the wrench in your newer entries

#5, #6 - We're starting to like the box element in your designs. Without the box, the "Q" seems too open and incomplete. We're torn between these two though - we'll have to come back to these designs later.

#7, #8, #9 - We're going to pass on these designs, per the comment we made above.

#10 - Five lines was too much, now three doesn't look like enough. Can we see this design with four lines? Also, with the shading in the red circle, at a glance it looks like a heart. Can we see a design with four lines and without the shading? Also, the font used for "Quality Computer Services" looks too "boxy". Do you have any fonts that are more round?

#11 - Could you explain your decision to pick the triangle with arcing burst in this design? And we like the font you used for "COMPUTER SERVICES" - could we see a design with "QUALITY" in the same font?

#12 - Could you explain your decision to pick the diamond with the burst in this design? And could we see "COMPUTER SERVICES" in a blue, not the green?
15 years ago
#13 - Hi gheist, we like the choice of color, and our company is "QCS" not "GCS", so if you could resubmit with it looking more like a "Q", we'd like to see what that looks like.

#14 - Hi logomotives, we're liking the power button, and the choice of font is excellent. We're going to come back to this one at final review.

#15 - The gear was nicely incorporated, but it feels too "complex", too "unfriendly" compared to #14.
15 years ago
#12 - We can't think of the company, but we think we've seen that diamond with the burst in another company's logo in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area. The company is in a different industry, but we don't want to get in legal trouble for copying.
15 years ago
#16 - Hi maxsense, this design seems too abstract. Just by glancing at it, we couldn't see any references to what we want our logo to say about our company.
15 years ago
#17 - Hi yudhiecavalera, we like the magnifying glass looking into the gear. Can you re-submit putting some spacing between "Quality", "Computer", and "Services" and including the period at the end of our tagline?

#18 - Excellent - we'll come back to this design towards our final review. If you have any other ideas, we encourage you to submit them.
15 years ago
#19 - Hi yudhiecavalera, thanks for including the spacing. We'll come back to this logo towards our final review. In the meantime, if you have any more ideas you'd be willing to submit, we encourage you to do so.

#20 - This design is neat, but way too abstract for our preferences. Thank you for this submission though.

#21 - This design is neat, but way too abstract for our preferences. Thank you for this submission though.
15 years ago
#15 - Our office manager looked at this logo when she came in this morning, and says it looks too much like a utility knife with a gear attached. If you have any other ideas you would like us to explore, we encourage you to submit them.

#5, #6 - Our office manager looked at these logos when she came in this morning, and says they look too boxy and aren't the right colors for our company. If you have any other ideas you would like us to explore, we encourage you to submit them.
15 years ago
#22 - Hi logomotives, the "power button" is too large for our preferences. We're still leaning towards your entry, currently ranked in first position.

#24 - Hi yudhiecavalera, we're not fond of the "C" or the slight flattening in this design.

#25 - We're not fond of the slight flattening in this design. If you have any other ideas you'd like to have us explore, we encourage you to submit them.
15 years ago
#26 - Thanks for pointing out the gray bar - we hadn't noticed that, but we like it.

#27 - We're not too excited about the "power button" being over our company name; we prefer it next to our company name.
15 years ago
#26, #29 - These designs don't incorporate any attributes of our business. Thank you for your submission.

#37 - We like the vibrancy of this design. Please resubmit with the tagline corrected according to our contest brief.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
please eliminate if you're sure that you're not interested anymore in #26.
15 years ago
#26 - Sorry logomotives, we meant to refer to #28, which has since been withdrawn.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
ah, ok :)
15 years ago
#57, #58 - Hi bluejet, thank you for your submissions. There's two reasons we're going to pass on these designs: 1) they didn't really "grab" our attention, and 2) they look too similar to a competitor's logo in the nearby metro area.

#45 - Hi logomotives, this one is too "artsy" for us. We'll leave #46 up for consideration though.

#44 - Hi jakub sudra, thank you for your submission. This design doesn't portray the professionalism we wish to convey to our clients. The smiling computer is too "cutesy". However, if you have any other ideas you would like us to consider, we encourage you to submit them.

#52, #53 - Hi eyecatching, you left the ending "S" off our company name in these designs, so we're going to look at #55 and #56 instead.

#55, #56 - We feel that the hard drive platter with arm shows that we are more of a repair shop, when we're actually a consulting company and do very little repair work. However, if you have any other ideas you would like us to consider, we encourage you to submit them.

#51 - Hi qcssoft, thank you for your submission. We feel that that this design is too simple. However, if you have any other ideas you would like us to consider, we encourage you to submit them.

#59 - Hi yudhiecavalera, we like the new colors. Could we see a new design using the same fonts and wording layout as #19?

#41 - Hi ulahts, the first thing we saw with this design was a life preserver. While we appreciate the symbolism, it's not what we're going for. However, we do like the font used for "QUALITY". We see that you also used it in #42 and #43.
15 years ago
#63, #64, #65, #66, #67 - Hi crcdesigns, thank you for your submissions. The primary "Q" in these logos reminds us too much of the older Compaq logo. However, if you have any more ideas you would like us to evaluate, we encourage you to do so.

#48, #49, #50 - Hi logeko, thank you for your submissions, and for the explanation of the laptop in the "Q". Before the explanation though, we didn't see it, so we don't think our clients will either. However, if you have any more ideas you would like us to evaluate, we encourage you to do so.

#70, #71, #73 - Hi Alan Graphics, thank you for your submissions. None of your designs really jumped out at us nor portrayed many of the aspects we requested in our contest brief. However, if you have any more ideas you would like us to evaluate, we encourage you to do so.

#84, #85 - Hi Joe Dexter, thank you for your submissions. While #85 did attract our attention, we noticed immediately that you didn't use our correct company name: it is "Services", not "Service". Also, we think the pink background behind our tagline actually hurt the viability of #84. However, if you have any more ideas you would like us to evaluate, we encourage you to do so.

#82, #83 - Hi webspook, thank you for your submissions. We can't put our finger on it, but your designs look remarkably like a popular hotel chain. However, if you have any more ideas you would like us to evaluate, we encourage you to do so.

#90, #91 - Hi eyecatching, thank you for your submissions. We're actually going to pass on these designs, as we find the red coloring too "confrontational". There also seems to be somewhat of a disconnect between the coloring, the graphics, and the fonts used. However, if you have any more ideas you would like us to evaluate, we encourage you to do so.

#87, #88 - Hi SpeedLogo, thank you for your submissions. We feel that the monitor image is overused in our industry - we did like how you incorporated the "Q" with the monitor though. However, if you have any more ideas you would like us to evaluate, we encourage you to do so.

#80, #81 - Hi bluejet, thank you for your submissions. We like the font choice, but the boxy pixels isn't "friendly" enough for our preferences. However, if you have any more ideas you would like us to evaluate, we encourage you to do so.

#77, #78 - Hi maxk, thank you for your submissions. Those stars remind of us too much of the Subaru logo, and are too separated from the wording. However, if you have any more ideas you would like us to evaluate, we encourage you to do so.

#72 - Hi maxk, the "Q" stands out nicely, but overall the design is too simple for our preference.

#76 - Hi bluecherrygraphics, thank you for your submission. We feel that the monitor image is overused in our industry. However, if you have any more ideas you would like us to evaluate, we encourage you to do so.

#68 - Hi signwerks, thank you for your submission. This is a nice design that we could have worked with, but it was submitted too late in the contest. However, if you have any more ideas you would like us to evaluate, we encourage you to do so.

#69 - Hi Sparkhaven, thank you for your submissions. Your design appeared too simple, and didn't portray many of the aspects we requested in our contest brief. However, if you have any more ideas you would like us to evaluate, we encourage you to do so.

#54 - Hi qcssoft, thank you for your submission. We've decided to pass on this design as we're not sure what to do with the golf tee image in the "Q". The font chosen is certainly friendly though. However, if you have any more ideas you would like us to evaluate, we encourage you to do so.

#40, #42, #43 - Hi ulahts, thank you for your submissions. We've decided to pass on these designs as the star reminds us too much of the Subaru logo, and the cross mark in the "Q" looks like a garden slug. We want to portray fast and efficient service, not sluggish. However, if you have any more ideas you would like us to evaluate, we encourage you to do so.

#92 - Hi yesk, thank you for your submission. This is a nice design that we could have worked with, but it was submitted too late in the contest. However, if you have any more ideas you would like us to evaluate, we encourage you to do so.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
congrats winner & client!
15 years ago
Logo Designer
what a waste!
15 years ago
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