#17 like where you are going with this. It's Qittle not Quittle We also need *Standard Carrier Rates May Apply I like the icon look for the phone number, great idea!
#23 looking good. Couple of things. 1. The Q is a bit bold, if you look at our logo at our website www.Qittle.com I think you could pull some white shadowing to bring the tone down a bit.
2. The blue in qittle.com - use the same blue as the Q.
3. I understand what you are doing with qittle.com but with out the www. let's try a capital Q (Qittle.com)
When you submit the new versions try it with Qittle Mobile in the Q and just Mobile in the Q
#24 looks really nice. Can you try it with colors a bit toned down on the 26469, maybe just blue, black and white. And try it with the same colors as you currently have but maybe not the purple on the 9.
if this were the logo and we printed it out how will the shadow under the phone work? Meaning is the shadow going to be cut off or does it go to the 3" mark?
#31 looks great. I think the numbers with the blue and white is awesome. I'd take the sentence - For Weekly Mobile Deals - back to white. The blue doesn't pop.
#53 I think has potential. Maybe a different style similiar to our Q. Also maybe take Qittle to the bottom and make the call to action bigger and stand out more. We need to highlight the offer more than Qittle.
#41 can we see this with a white background inside the phone. making the letters black instead of white. And let's eliminate the Q at the bottom and just make the words bigger.
Plus we need to add the word Code (then a blank spot where we can write in a code)
#24 can you add the additional lingo to this entry as well. One of our team members really wants to see this one completed. Thanks for all of the hard work.
So we've been going back and forth here at Qittle between your design and the 2nd ranked one. We've decided to go with yours!!!
However we need some tweaking to get everyone on board, so the work isn't done just yet. Some of the elements from #100 and #81 were mentioned.
We don't want to add Including this location (too busy)
1. Let's get 26469 to the same size as #100 keeping the different color pattern you have in #24 2. Let's add the Message and Data Rates where you have it in #24 (no code or space in the final design) 3. We like how big you have Text Qittle to in #81 4. We like the shadow in #24 - let's keep it this way that way there is a white background in the final printed logo so the phone sits on a white background and pops. 5. We'd like to see this final product as is and with a white background in the text area like #81 and see how this looks.
We really appreciate your hard work and are excited to select your design as the one we are taking live, thanks.