I really like your designs... what other designs can you offer? Something different than what's out there so far. I want to be able to have some other ideas to look at. Thanks so much ~
Also, I'm getting a lot of positive feedback about #29; however, to me, it looks like something is missing...can you add 2 more sets of leaves in the middle of each person's leaves so it looks like a full tree?
Maybe use fruit and vegetables instead of leaves on #29. I think the people represent what I'm looking for and could go for both the nutrition and fitness sides of wellness, but there is a missing link that I'm looking for to pull that together...Your thoughts please.
Can you take the & sign out of #70 & #71 using the tree at that & sign. Also, let me see #70 with the same shade of purple as #69 just to see if I like that one better. Thanks ~
#20 has been my favorite all along...however, some of the other ones are really catching my eye and I am down to very few hours to make a decision. With that in mind, can you keep the colors and position of the flower on #20 but let me see it in the font as #71. Thank you for all you hard work. I truly appreciate it.
I haven't seen any more designs coming so I have selected the one I will go with... Thank you for all of your hard work. I really appreciate it and your design will be amazing for my new company.