Thank you so much for your logo designs!!! I love them. How would you feel about working in a magenta and purple into the color palette instead of the orange (and in #30 as well)?
Sorry for the miscommunication! My primary colors are green, silver and white, but I wanted to see what is would your original designs would look like with a hint of purple. Like #30, if you could leave the green in the font and work the purple into the watermark instead of the blue (even though I love the blue as is).
I really like all of your submissions! So far, I am leaning more towards a simple design that has a natural feel. I don't want the logo to feel too much like a high-tech company since I provide branding and marketing services. I keep wavering between your entry #39 and #30. Feel free to submit additional designs that have a more organic feel. I am enjoying your style!
Hi there! I am really liking #s 30, 39, 40, and 42, but would like to see what they would look like with a smaller watermark if that's possible? Also, would it be possible to see a version of #39 but with the watermark at the front instead of the back?