#48... like the dots coming off each " i " in imagination - but can we trying bringing it together as ONE cloud with children in them rather than two? thanks!
.....yes, i saw the rankings. thank you very much for the consideration, and just ask me for any change you would like to see about the #43. regarding the #48 i'll make the changes soon. thanks a lot, francesco
Thankyou for your feedback, if you have any ideas on variations of colours, fonts etc, please let me know. I am also currently working on another idea for you.. I will submit in the next few hours for you to see. Many thanks again, francesco
I have submitted my new idea in various different formats for you to see, the logo naturally represents the children, however in number #91, I changed the gender of the children to show 2 girls/2 boys. If you like this idea I can adapt it to your needs. Many thanks, Francesco
good morning, i have submitted a new version of #43, the stars are in different form and the overall feel is, in my opinion, maybe more fresh. i also tried to change the part of the children so that they seem happier and more animated (e.g the arms are up and waving). The #140 is a new idea .......
You are definitely not boring us! =) We love all the options that you are giving us! Lots of great ideas! We aren't very interested in the designs witht he flowers. The rainbow is very cute.
I have uploaded my final idea for your contest, #204. Thankyou for all of your consideration and feedback throughout.. I am always available and open for any changes. Many thanks again, Francesco
We like the fonts that you used in #184. Thanks for all your hardwork and willingness to make some changes if we choose your design. You are very creative!
Good evening, I have submitted a few extra files for you with variations on fonts. #259 and #260 use the same fonts as my original, however with different spacings between the letters and a slightly larger font size. Thank you again, Francesco