1) Elevating Safety Technologies ****** 2) Safety Connected
What We Do
We're a cutting edge technology company that is delivering easy to use solutions to the industrial athlete. Currently our solutions are wearable biometric devices but our goal is to be encompassing to many different connected solutions that enable greater situational awareness for those that perform tough jobs. Our target audience is certified safety professionals, industrial hygienists, first responders and military personnel. Any employ that is in rough jobs and must wear heavy protective garments(think hazmat white suits, or firefighter turnout gear or military 'battle rattle'). These organizations could be large steel mills, large oil refineries, nuclear cleanup sits, military training bases etc…
Color Preferences
Surprise us.
Generally like:
Red, Yellow, Orange, Blue, Grey, Black
Our Ideas & Additional Information
We like to see things that are simple and provide a connection between strong technology and tough solutions.