PulseperformanceLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Pulseperformance

Pulseperformance has selected their winning logo design.

For $300 they received 301 designs from 40 different designers from around the world.

Logo Design Brief

high performance coaching and personal training
What We Do
We provide High performance Sports coaching in cycling, running, triathlon, swimming and personal training.
Color Preferences
Red, yellow, blue but colors will vary depending on back ground as the logo will be placed in different color shirts example a blue running singlet or Red


Order by
Entry Number














































1 2 3 4 5 6 1 ... 6 Next >


Hi All - I am the founder and Head coach of Pulse Performance. i have been looking at other works and must say there is so much talent out there and it must be so dam hard to judge the designs.

Would like to thank you in advance for your creativity and time.

We have produced many world champions in all disaplines and develop juniors to world class athletes. but we also cater for the average norm who just wan't to break their dream and turn it into reality.

We do have a slogan "making every beat count" but would like feed back on this.

Pulse performance will also be a team so need logo to be able to go with the word team when we need to use it.

The winning logo will be using in the following advertising, website, Running gear ( singlets and tshirts), caps, cards - as a result all entries must be unique, memorable and stand out from the rest of the coaching competition. Must be recognizable on clothing preferably use under various colours as this logo will be placed in different color singlets/shirts, most will be blue or red..but needs to be flexible. even though we try keep the uniform to one color but sometimes it can change due to sponsors.
The logo will receive a lot of exposure across all fields, domestic and nationally and will be placed next to other companies such as SAUCONY, RYDERS, HAMMER GEL ect.

Thanks, will do my best to not waste anyones time.

Look forward to your genius designs.
15 years ago
Thanks really appreciate how quickly you all responded.

Its obviously early days and new ideas will be welcomed. i like the font on #7, #3 and #1.

The symbols on #4 and #7 and good but need it to represent performance. You can use other ideas from the fitness industry and also just PP, although the pulse is important it doesn’t have to be use.
15 years ago
Also like the symbol # 1 by husk.
15 years ago
Hi all, thanks for the new entries.

please think about the logo needs to really stand out, be unique, inspire and show performance, success and needs to be able to fit on running caps, and not too difficult.

A logo that represents the organization and people while running/cycling in competitions can easily be identified but without losing the character/deepness of the design.

15 years ago
my apologies for the delay. This is very time consuming and need time to absorb it all and come back to it, several times.

I like the cycling logo #25, but saying this need it to represent more. Try use PP in your characters maybe.

Think about what the logo represents, don't want it to look like a medical product. No arrows or neutral font pls.

I like #33,#17 and #30 , #4 but try see if you can use those waves with characters.

#23 is good but needs to stand out more and clearly represent the business.

#20, #21 not bad but too bold, try something new.

#14 and #16 too neutral and doesn't represent athletic performance in any way but your you can change it by applying those changes, as the concept not bad.

#17 and #18 i like the idea as it can represent all 3 disciplines. maybe hence it and make a character with it or PP or both.

Thanks and your feed back is also important, maybe you can open my mind and help me see a clearer picture.
15 years ago
Hi all,
thanks again for your efforts. I will sleep it off and see if i can direct you more on my vision of our perfect logo in the morning.

15 years ago
Hi thanks for the effort guys.
Its getting there we still need to bring things together.I like #54 cos its versatile but needs to represent fitness/performance more..

#39 and #45 are great, we can work on this and try to make them flow more?...use the words PP? i saw a logo of a motor bike and the whole bile was written with the words hills i think?...anyways just a though. i do like #45 as i can use it for my triathlon business and break it up but need one for my whole coaching business and team.

#42,#43 and #44 i like where that is going but needs to be more clearly, looks to much like a nose and eyes but like the concept.

Thanks ....the words PP is very useful and versatile but needs to have a wow factor and represent the business.

thanks all.
15 years ago
Thanks for your hard work.

lets try stay away from single bike,runners ect. as this only represents that displine only.

Lets try to come up with a logo that represents all or work with the PP letters.

We like #54 because its simple but stands out and represents the PP, but would be great if showed more like performance and coaching.

#52 and #51 is good and can see what you are trying to achieve. The pp is in the head, head can represent all 3, maybe work around this so it shows more into coaching/performance.

saying all this, remember the logo has to be able to be placed on running/singles/tshirts/ maybe caps if PP, and if too long it takes too much space. Thats why maybe it can be separated from the words pulse performance when need to...
saying this #54 needs to represent the business more because if we too the words out no one will have an idea who we are...

15 years ago
Hi all, how is your imagination coming along?

Really appreciate your effort and submissions but still not 100% there.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
...still imagining and experimenting...:)
15 years ago
Thanks Retro keep at it and work with whats there and use your imagination....

Juts want to thank everyone for their submissions and also for your patience with my feed back..now im starting to see the image. Need a logo that i can use without the words. #98 and #62 are on the right track.

#62 is unique and would like more like this and, #98 is great but feels like i have seen many characters like this being used with Yoga ect but on the right track and like the way you have used the PP.
Like #69 but wont be able to split and need to use the whole logo, great for a banner!!

#93 is unique and nice but can't see what it is and need people to say thats the PP team ...

Keep those minds working!..Thanks
15 years ago
#62 and #52 represents the mental aspect of performance and also aero dynamics...just needs refined...and no black background.

Would be easier for all of us if you can also give me feed back and ask me or help me to help you visualize..
15 years ago

Also like the slogan "your partners in peak performance" see if you can come up with one and place it in the logo, also like " making every beat count"
15 years ago
"I really like #98 but feel perhaps it is slightly too generic - can you please try a couple of variations on this logo"

15 years ago
looking for a logo that represent the company, one that i can print without the words, using maybe letters pp...still not 100% there.

Can we all try make something out of pp so i can just use pp and people say that is pulseperformance.....

15 years ago
Hi all,

my apologies but we are on the road training, hard to see designs on my iphone while trying to ride in a group, as soon as we stoop i will start ranking and feed back.

thanks. might have to extend if gets too close to dead line and still on road.
15 years ago
Logo Designer

I have had to remove a post from a disgruntled designer who has decided to go an a CH/Designer bashing spree and post berating remarks and accusation towards all LT Designers. It is obvious this person has a personal grudge against LT and LT designers so in the best interest of your contest I've removed that post and several post of legit LT designers who were responding to the insults.

I do apologize because this is not how we run things here LT.

EastCoast Creative
Designer/Volunteer Logo Tournament Moderator
15 years ago
Hi all, my apologies for late replies, just got into the office.

Thanks all for the new entries. Will start accessing them soon, but unfortunately will have to extend for another two days as we need time to keep directing designers and don't want to rush it, Mondays and Tuesdays is the busiest day of the week for us.

Thanks for your patience.
15 years ago
Hi all, we are looking at the unranked logos at the moment.
15 years ago
Hi all thanks for your submissions, new ideas are coming nicely and keen...please stay away from black background . #139 and #138 are great, lets come up with other variations, thanks
#130 is nice also but trying to see how it represents what its meant to represent, try another variation? maybe in a different position?

#106 and #121 are good and like it but if we can tweak it and make it represent what its trying to portray?..cool designs.

Please keep them coming, tweak what needs to be tweaked and add a pulse or refine your work so it starts to resemble what its supposed to say, winner, success, performance..any of these...

15 years ago
Also please make a comment about your submission so we can see what you are trying to achieve and let us see your vision, so we can work together to refine it...thanks.
15 years ago
Hi all, will give you feed back on what everyone here is saying and see if this helps, as my guidance has been clouded by new designs and debates!!!
Thanks everyone for your great imagination and effort, as you can see Rankin keeps changing due to the office liking new ideas and designs..most a very keen to go with a pulse logo whether its in the form of a p or within the p or within the pulse words going across, the debate is on with coaches and athletes liking #138 due to the pulse, but some are saying its too square? #98 is a keen favorite but could a pulse be incorporated? Ancient has been a great listener and he is causing a huge debate!!!!

#139, #121 are also causing a debate and equal 2nd with the groups here, missing is the pulse most are saying. The pulse has been a huge debate as they all going with that is the main focus of the word? apart from performance which also starts with a pulse???

#162 is clever but people see NIKE..and saucony wont be happy.

Keep those imagination going, stay away from black and grey backgrounds, full body runners, circles or bubbles and NIKEY..
Hope this helps. feed back or if you think more direction is need it please ask....thanks

15 years ago
We have also decided to place logos that are identical but diff colors in the unranked section to give others fairness in the ranking and also for us to see every logo clearer.

Ones that are yet to be ranked are going thru a debate thanks
15 years ago
Gee thanks for all your submissions....we are Rankin them as i speak and just want to let you all know there will be a couple ranked 1 and couple 2 and so on so if in top 12 or so will still be in the race, and advice to make variations or tweak the design..will try give everyone feed back..

Like to apologize for changing my view as my team keeps debating on wanting the pulse....ok will get on it

15 years ago
thanks guys dont stop experimenting and tweaking. designs are coming aloong nice,

thanks for those who are listening and please read comments as we are still submitting circles ect.

don't have time to read rules so can someone tell me when contest finish in 5hrs how long have we got to pick winner?

Need variations on the following #138 and #214, #195 nice but too much, try a simple but one that stands out variation.

Don't make logo too simple, square and difficult, something in between, a logo that stands out, can be used away from the writing, one that gives the WOW factor and uniqueness.

Like #101 very unique but now we need it to stand for more, play with #210, running track nice job.

also can represent the other disciplines

Great idea with font # 214

#243 nice idea try variation and new font.

#197 nice and unique...see what else you can do with it..not too square please.

waiting for wolf to bring his genius work to the table, and im sure Ancient won't disapoint us.
crayons is raisin eyebrowns with his style...#183 and #187 is great but lets see something less square and different color..
.#219 is nice ,lets see what else you can come up with roger.

keep those minds going...please

15 years ago
with 3 hours left we still not 100% there yet and anyone's win...please keep tweaking designs...thanks.
15 years ago
less than 60mins and still need top ten to be refined..please summit asap..if you have any more ideas thanks
15 years ago
Logo Designer
I believe you have 7 days to pick a winner though you could request an extension from administration.
15 years ago
thanks for your time in responding.

much appreciated.now can you tweak #214 to look more like a pulse but without losing its uniqueness?
15 years ago
Would like to thank everyone for your time, effort and imagination!.

A special thanks to "ANCIENT", you are a great listener, and talented. im sure you be ranking top soon. You sure surpassed your ranking. Love your determination and consistency. Don't know where you went but thanks.

Alberto big thanks for your efforts, don't stop.

Retro, thanks for your work and last minute help. You sure are talented and great imagination. sorry if i was a little bit behind the ball.

Intrepid thanks, you did not disappoint and thanks for taking part. You did lift the bar with the pulse!!

Crayons, love your work and like the artist mentioned above you are gooooood.

Ktwist, thanks for your entry, brought a lot of controversy and debate. Nice work.

Wolv, thanks for your entry, disappointed with the follow up as was expecting a BIG THUMP from you as promised. If you have it can you send me link? or not allowed??

And to everyone else THANK you...great talent .

This was a fun, exhausting competition but def did not disappoint.

Now the arduous part to choose......will keep posting and ranking daily....but remember any one can be the winner as the TEAM keeps debating and changing my views...even though i have my favorites, its a TEAM effort.

15 years ago
ranking will keep changing according to votes from athletes, coaches and the odd family member. But as long as i can see the logo represent my company, then it will be confirmed.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
one last version...
14 years ago
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