I love #26 & #25 how you incorporated children's boutique in the logo. I like the color pink you used in #26. Could you please do #25 in that same color pink? Also could you make the umbrella & pail a different color just so I can see other color combos? Thank you
Oh also just want to add I love the font you used! If possible could you please make the hook on the umbrella more complete so the bottom piece make a full "u"? It looks like a half "u" right now.
Thank you for the feedback! Please see #27 and #28 for changes. If you would like to see any other changes please do not hesitate to ask. I will be happy to try any suggestions that you have. Thanks, Leah
I like #27, but now that I'm looking at it without the blue backround the pink looks really pail. Could you maybe do it a shade or 2 darker, but not as hot pink as the other ones. Also I really like on the ones with the blue backround how you curves the Children's boutique verbiage. Could you please do that for this one as well? Could we try the umbrella maybe yellow/orange? Im really liking where you are going with this. I love the little raindrops. thank you so much
OMG I LOVE #30. That is the Perfect Pink. Thank you for changing the "u" on the umbrella. I really like this concept. Could you please do me a favor & make the Children's Boutique in blue? Also I don't know if this is possible but I was thinking about the font being just a tad bit smaller. Is that do-able? Even the green pail if we can make that just a bit smaller too. Is it possible to maybe put a yellow stripe across the pail? it seems a little plain. not sure what else to add. Otherwise I LOVE this one!!
Love #34..Love how you did the puddle of water & the yellow trim on the pail. I think this one is close to being perfect. The only thing I think now is doctoring up the umbrella. Im not too sure I like the orange in the umbrella. Do you happen to have any other ideas for the umbrella piece...maybe if the umbrella once one color & adding some different color polka dots or shapes. Or maybe if the outside colors were yellow on the umbrella instead of orange & the middle was green.. Im not too sure on other ideas..I will have to think about it.
#36 Is IT! Absolutely LOVE!! I love the color combo. Could you please do me one last favor. The raindrop above the "e" could you please move it over just a tad. I don't want it to look like "Puddle's" with the 's. maybe move it just a tad to the left or a little bit higher. Is it possible to make the raindrop over the "i" to be a TAD smaller to? just a LITTLE BIT like a fraction of a hair. lol. I want to be able to see exactly what it is & It kind of seems to big in that area to tell its a raindrop..or is it just me? Thank you so much. Think we have a winner
Thank you #42 looks better, but I just wanted you to move the raindrop between the "e" & "s" but it looks like you shrunk the raindrop too. I still liked the larger size for that piece. The dot above the "i" is Perfect though.
I'm really sorry to be such a pain. I really liked the location better on #36 I just wanted it moved a little higher so it didn't look like an " ' s " I like the smaller raindrop on for the "i" (like you have on #43 & 44), but I like #36 better for the raindrop between the e & s. Could you just put it back to the original location (like 36) but just move it a little higher please. Thanks. After this I think we are done. I really like it!
Hi Leah, I am absolutely loving #45, but I wanted to see what it would look like if Children's Boutique was not all in captial letters. Could you change it to just the "C" & the "B" being capitalized? I just want to see the difference of how it would look. Thank you
Oh my gosh I can't believe she complained. I'm the one who was asking for those specific colors. I loved #45. I had my heart set on it...bummer. Okay so moving forward I was looking at the new images you sent & Im leaning toward #58 but I was wondering if you could outline the entire yellow pail with the blue (like you did when it was a green pail with yellow trim). Also is it possible to maybe add pink polka dots with the blue polka dots on the umbrella. maybe the pink you used on the umbrella in #56. I like the soft colors on the umbrella. also Im not digging the Childrens Boutique font or something is working out because when it was all capitalized it looked like it wrapped around the water, but now it looks jaggedy. Is there a different font we can try? Oh & also I was wondering if you could change the handle on the umbrella to that same like pink. I just wanted to try out what it would look like. Thank you for your help. Im glad you Get me! Ü
I'm looking at #61 & love the Children's Boutique font, however the pink handle needs to go back to the blue...lol Im glad I got to see what that looked like...Yikes. I didn't like it pink! I like the mix match polka dots but can we see what it looks like the darker pink & blue? For some reason my eye still goes back to the green pail with yellow trim...I just loved that so much. What would happen if you changed it back. can the other girl say anything if Im the one who told you to change it? Just trying Ü
Im looking at #57 too for the colors...maybe if you cant do the pail in green...then we can see what it'd look like with a yellow pail & all green trim with Green & Pink polka dots on the umbrella. Sorry if this is too much Im asking for.
I'm really liking #65 but could you please put the ampersand back to pink & finish the trim around the pail like you have it in #63? Also I like the green & pink polka dolts but could you please use the lighter pink with the green? I want to compare the 2 styles of the darker pink verses the lighter pink
I love your new designs...I'm torn between #68 & #71 I really love them both. Is it possible to make the pail on #71 to have the darker green trim like it is in #68. The green just seems a little too light so the pail doesn't stand out as much. After this I will decide between the 2. I appreciate all of your help. Thank you.
OMG I just noticed #72 has hearts instead of polka dots. Super cute. Could you please use #69 & do hearts on the top of the umbrella & change the pail to have the green trim instead of blue? I promise we are almost done. I love where you're going with these. So adorable.
#76 it is! Love it! This is my first time using Logo Tournament & wasn't sure exactly the rule about the rights to the logo. Is it possible to get #76 along with #68 or am I only allowed to chose 1 logo? I know for sure the winner is #76, but I thought for business cards or stationary I can also use #68..Just wanted to double check. Thank you again. Your work is great. I love alot of the logos you did for other clients as well. You are great at designing!
After looking at #76 is the green now different than #73 or is it just because #73 has more polka dots that it looks lighter. I can't believe how different the green looks when they are side by side.
Leah you are going to kill me...Im so sorry to do this to you. I love #76, but is it okay for you to change the green in the umbrella to match the green in #71's umbrella? Please LEAVE the Pail the way it is. I don't want anything else touched. I love the less amount of polka dots, but I love the green on the umbrella better in #71. Im SOOO SORRY!
Thanks for fixing the green on the umbrella, but it looks like you changed it on the pail too. I still wanted to leave the pail the way it was with the darker green so it stands out more. Can you please change the pail back like it was in #76. Thank you.